Chap. theEpifile to the Galatians. bred, that profefrours ofthe Gofpel , yca teachers',of the fame, that want thisfink ofthcirvrtworknes, apd this.thirfting, are farrc wide , what gifts focuerhy hjijç.Fòtthey arc notyet come to the fir ft fleppe of trtfé fa'A ' I : The third queftion is , how fa -dakriaalectinthe heart ? c/frrf. It is not faith to con nønnbarcper- fwafion,that Chrift is my Sattiour: and thereuptin_ ,thinke to be faued. But faith in Chrift is conceited in the fpiiituall exer- cifes of inuocation and repentance. When I fee mine owne 2-0 finites, andGods anger againit me for them by the law; when I feemine owne guiltines, I drawmy (die into the prefenceof God making con't'effionof mine offences , and paicr for the pardon of them, and in this praier I Arnie againft mine vnbc- leefe , I witl , defire , and endeauour to affent to the promife of F5 God touching forgiuencs and withal( I purpofe with my felfe to finite no more. This is my daily praCtire and thus is faith truly concemed, and confirmed. Againe, faith' is concei- tted in the vie of holy meancs , namely , the Preaching ofthe word, and Sacraments. For in hearing', & receiuing the Lords 20 Supper to meditatevpon thepromife ofmercie , and in medi- tation to applic the laid promife to my relic, is the right way to conceiue true faith. Therefore it mull be remembred , that faith conceitedwithout the exercifesof inuocationand repen- tance, or conceiucd without the vfc of the word and Sacra- 25 ments (as commonly it is)is not true faith , but an Imagination orfictionof thebrame, which will fade in the ende. The third point to be confidered , is the fire, or the out- ward meanes ofAdoption,and that is Baptifrne. It may be de- manded, how Baptifine can be a marke or ripe ofthechildof 3o God,confidering all forts ofmen arepartakers ofit?Arrf.Bap- . turne alone is no markeof Gods child , but baptifmc ioyned with faith: for fo mat the text be conceitied ;4// ye Galatians that beleene, are baptifed into Chri1. Fr Paul had laid imtnedi- atly before, Ye are the frunes ofGod byfaith. Againe, the Scrip- 35 turc (peakingofbaptikne,cornprehends.both `the outward and the inward baptifme ,which is the inward baptifmc of the fpi- rit. Math. 3. ir. and i.Pet.3.2r. Ancrthus is laJptirme alwaies an infallible tnarkeof the childofGod. It may further be demanded, what are the markesof the in- ward baptifmc ? zinf.Thenewbirth,whereby a man is waffled 241 Hbr and 111mor