Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

242 Chap.3. AC®mmentarievpon and cleanfed by the fpirit of God, bath three fpeciall tnarkes The fiat is, the fpirit ofgrace and lupplications,Zach. 12. i o, that is, the fpirit olregeneration,caufingmen to turne toGod, andwithal! to make inffant praier and fupphcation for niercic and forgiuencs offinspa .The fecond, is to heare &obay the voice ofgod inall things.Ioh.8.47.& to. 27. The third is,not' S to fin, that is, not to hue in in the praftifeofany finneafter this new birth is begunne. t.Ioh. 3. He that ra borneofGed, Gothnot commit/6mne. He may failein thisor that fpeach,and doeamiffe in this or that a lion ; but after his calling and conuerfion, the to tenour and courfe of hislife , fhai! be according to the com mandements of God. And this is a fpeciall marks to difcernc the inward baptifine. Some alleadged, that hauing longague beene baptifed with water, yet they ferle not the inward baptifine: and therefore tf they fcare that they arc not the children ofGod. Anf. If there be in thee a forrow for thy corruptionsand finnes pall: ifthou half a purpofe to finiteno more : ifthou auoideft the occaf ons of finne, and feareff to offend : ifhailing finned, thouhell not in thy Optic , but recouerefi thy felté bynew repentance: 20 thouart verilyborne ofGod , and baptifedwith the baptifine oftheholy Groff. Othersalleadge , that although they haue bin baptifed , yet they fears they haue no faith : and therefore they thinke they are not the children of God. An/. Iftherebe in thee a forrow 25 for thine vnbeleefe , a will and de fire tobelecue , and a care to increafe in faith by the vfèof good rneanes , there is a meafure of true faith in thee , andby it thou mail' allure thy felfe;that thou art the child ofGod. .Others amaine aiieadge, that they haue long madepraier 30 vntoGod, and that according to his will , andyet their praiers hauenot bin heard and therefore they often doubt they arc not Gods children. Anf. Ifthou canfi pray,though thy praier be not heard according to thy defire, content thy felfe. For the praier ofthe heart is the markeoldie fpirit of adoption. Rom. 8. t 6.26. And by it thou main know that thou art the child of God. Thus then we fee what is the infalliblemarke ofthe childof orthe God ; natnely,baptifine ioyned with true faith in Grill, outwardbaptifineioyned,with the inward baptifineofthe fpiI tit.