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IMMINIO 5 IO tS :O 25 30 3'S theEpifile to the Çalatians. Chap.!. 243 tit. The vie. Many auouchthe .prcfent ChurchofRome tobe the true Church of God and that becaufe they fay,in it there is true baptifine,which is a markeofthe churchofGod.But they are decciued: for baptifine in the church of Rome is feuered from true faith, or from theApoflohke dotirine : and the out- ward baptifine is fettered from the inward baptifine. For they of that Church,otterturne jollification by the meere mercie of God, which is the principal] part of the inwardbaptifine. A- gaine,the ten Tribes retained circumcifion after their Apofla- fie yet for all that condemned to beno people ofGod. Ofe. I:9. The light in the lanthornepertaines not ro the lanthorne, but to the paffengers in the fireete : euen fo the Confeffonof faith m the Symbol] of theApoflles, and baptifine,that are re- tained inthe Papacie, pertaine not to the Papacie , but to ano- ther hiddenChurch,which by theft andother meanes is gathe- red out of the middefl of Romifh Babylon. And therefore baptifine is rather a figueofthis,then oftheRomifh Church. Againe , wemull be warned to take heede that we deceiue not our (clues, thinking it a fufficient matter that we haue bin baptifed. For except Chrifl inwardly wafh vs by his fpirit, we hauenopart in hire. Ioh. r3. S. Circumcifaon(faith Paul)auaileth not,vnles thoube adoer ofthe law. Ro.2.2 5. Baptifine indeed fa- ueth, r .Pet. 3.2 I. but that is not the baptifine of water,brr the Jlapulatian ofagoed con cience , by the refrerreRionof Cs riff. The outward baptifine without the inward , is not the marke of Gods child,but the marke of the foolethat makes a vow, and afterward.breakcs it. Ecclef.5. 3. Moreouer, baptifme is lot onely a ligne ofour adoption, but alto aPeale thereof, anda meanes to conuaie it vnto vs: and for the better vnderllanding of this point, and fora further clearingof the 27. verte, I will fpcake of thewhole nature of baptifme. That which is to be deliuered, I reduce to eight heads. I. the name of baptifine, and the phrafes. I I. the mat- ter. I I. the forme. I V. the ende. V.' the efficacie of baptifme. V I. the necefliitie thereof. V I I. the circumflances. VIII. thevfe. Touching the name ; Baptisme is taken fixewaits. Firfl, it lignifies the fuperllitious walhingsofthe Pharifies,vtho boiid themfelues to the baptifines or wafhings of cuppcs and potts. Mar. 7.4.Secondly,itlignifies the wafflings appointed byGod H h 2 in