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244 Ch3p. 3 . ACommentarie vpoa in the Ceremonial! law. Hebr. 9. i o. Thirdly , it fignifies that wafhing by water which fernes to Peale the couenant of the newTetlament. Math.28.19. Fourthly,it fignifies by a meta- phor, any grieuous crof& or calamitie. Thus the paflion of Chriff, iscalled his baptifine. Luk.12. c o. Fiftly,it fignifies the bellowingofextraordinarie gifts of the holy Ghoft , and that by impofitionofhands ofthe Apoflles. MI. 1.5. and t1.16. Laffly , it lignifies the whole EcclefiaUicall Minif}erie . Thus Apollos is tàide to teach thewayofthe Lord, knowingnothing but the6aptifiroe(that is, the doc}rine)of John. Aít. 18. 2 5. Inthe third fente is baptifine taken in this place , whenPaul faith, 7e areall dapttfedinto(hrift. The phrafes vfed in Scripture of baptifine are ffrangein reafon: and therefore they are to be explancd. Here it islaid, 2`e that arebaptifed into Chri/l , put on Chrif?. The reafonofthis (peach is threefold. The firft is this : the wafhing of the bodie with water , is an outward fagne to reprefent to our eies and minds, the inward wafhing , and our vnion or coniunEiion with Chrìf}: therefore they that are baptifed, are Paid toput on Chri,l. The fecond reafon is, becaufe the walling by water feales vntovs our inward ingrafting intoChill : foras certcn- ly as the bodie is wafhed withwater; fo certenly are they that belceue ingrafted into Chria. The third reafonof the fpeach is , becaufe baptifine is after a fort an infirument whereby our infition into Chrif},and fellowfhip with him is efeetedFor in the right and lawful' vfe of baptifine, God according to his owne promireingrafts them into Chrift that belecue :and the inward wafhing is conferred with the outward wafhing. For there caufes, they that are wafhed with water in baptifine, are .fail toput on(hri(1. In thefame manner muff other phrafes be vnderflood ; as when it is Paid, that baptifinefaneth, t .Pet.3.21. that Then mull be b,rptifedfar theremiìon offlmces, Ac`f.22.6. that we are buriedby baptifine into the death ofChrifl. Roim6.3. 'The fecondpoint, concernes the Matter of baptifine. Here I confider three things, the fagne, the thing fignified, the Ana. logic ofboth. The liigne, is partly the element ofwater, Aì.8. 3 6. and partly the Rite by diuine inflitution appertaining to the element which is the facramentall vfe of it in wafhing ofthe bodie: and there two, water , and external' wafhirigof thebo- c4te,are the full and complete fagneofbaptifine. t Here. t0 If 20 30 35