the Epiflle te the Galatians. Chap. 3. 2.45 Here a queftion maybe made,Whether wafhingof thebo- die inbaptifine , mull beby dipping,or by fprinkling ? ./Thj In hot countries , and in the baptifineof men ofyeares , pingwas vied, and that by the Apoftles : and to this Paul al r ludes, Rom. 6. 3. anddipping Bothmore fully reprefcnt our fpirituall wailing, then fprinkling. Neuerthcleffem cold coil tries; and in the baptifine ofinfants newborne, fprinkling is to bevfed, acidnot dipping,in refpeaoftheir health and life. For the Rule is , Neceftie ená charitie , elipen¡e with the Ceremoniall io law.Vpon this gaound,Dauid dideate the fhewbread:circum. cifionwas notalwaies the eight day , as appeares by the Iliac lites in the wildernes : and for the fame taule in thefe countries dippingmaybe omitted, though othcrwife a facramentall rite. And it mail be remembred , that baptifing lignifies not onely 15 that waffling vhich is by diuing of the bodie , but alfo that which is by fprinkling. The thing fignified, or the fubflance of baptifine, is Chrifl himfeife our Mediatour, as he gaue himfelic to wafh & cicanfe vs. Thus Paul faith , that hecleanfenth his Church by the wailing_ so ofwater. Eph.5.6. The Analogic, or proportion ofboth , is on this manner. Water refembles Chrifl crucified , with all his merits. S. Iohn faith, Theblood ofChri!l'cleanfethvifrom allourfnnes, r.Ioh.r. 7. that is, the merit and efficacie of Chrift crucified,freeth vs $ 5 from our Pinnes , and from the guilt and punishment thereof.: Externall wailing ofthe bodie , refembles inward wafhingby the fpirit, which 'lands in iuflificat ±on and fnt`iification. I. Cor.6. t r.Tit. 3.5. The dippingof the bodie, iivuiles morti- fication,or fellowfhip with Christ in his death: the flayingvii. 30 der the water , lignifies the burial! ofPinne : and the conning out ofthe water, the refurreetion from Piana, to newnes Of life. Rom.6.z,4. The third point concernes theForme of baptifine. Math.. 2 $. 19. Goe teachallnations, baptizing theminto the Nameoft! he 3 Father, &c. I explaine the words thus: Marke, fioft it is (aide, Teach them,that is,make them my difciples, by calling them to beleeue, and to repent. Here we are to confider the Order which god obferues in makingwith man thecoucnant inbap. tirme. Firfl ofall, he callsmen by bisword,and commands thé tobeleeue and repent : when theybeginne tobeleeue and re-, H h 3 pent, i-ï