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246 ( Chàp.3. ACommentarievpon pent, then in the fecond place Godmakes his pròmifeofiner- ere and forgiuenes : and thirdly , he(cales his pronade by bap. tiftne. Thisdtuine Order Chritt fignifieth when he faith, make them difiples: and it was alwaies obferucd ofGod. Before he made any couenant withAbraham, and before he fealed it by Circumcifion, he faith to him, Walke beforeme , andbevpright, s Gen.r 7.1. andof his feede, he faith, they mull firll doe righte.l otafnes and iudgement, and thenhe wiltbringvpon therm allthat he bathfoken,Gen. r 8. t 9. to the Ifraelites he faith, that theymuff' turne ad obay , and thenhe will make_ all his promifs and cone. nantsgood. Dent.;o. r.6.and lfa. t .16,t 7, r 9.To the Iewes Pe- ter faith,Repent firft, andthen they /ball bebaptizedfor the remit-! (ionof(innes. AEt. 2.38.42. And Philip (aide to the Eunuch, If thou beleeueft withallthyheart, thoumaifit be baptizedAtt.8.3 7. Thevfe. By this order we Ice, that the commandement to bcleeue and to repent, is more large and generall,then the pro- mileofmercie in Chrift. For the commandement is giucn to all hearers to turne and belceue,and the promife is made onely to filch hearers,as doe indeede turne andbcleeue: therefore it is a fallhood to imagine, that the promife of faivation belongs 20 generally to all mankind. Again_, by this order it appeares,that Repentancebelongs to baptifine : and it is one of the firft things that arc required : aid therefore it is follie to make Repentance a diftinEt mcanes offaluation,and a diftinft facrament from baptifine. 25 Thirdly, ifit be demanded, why fomany perlons that haue in baptized, liue for all this, as ifthey had not bin baptized in the common finnesofthe world,like prophane Efaus: and yet doe comfort thernfelues intheir baptifine; An/; They doenot knowand confider the Order which Godvied in couenan 30 tiny; with them inbaptifine : but they deale prepofteroutly, o- uerflipping the commandement of repenting and Wearing, and in the firft place lay hold of Gods promife made to them in baptifine. This is the tank of fo much prophancifc in the world. 55 Againe,there be many perfons that haue bin baptized,who neuertheles cannot abide to heare and read the word of God : and the reafon is , bccaufe they obferue not theorder of their baptifine,firft ofall to becomedifciples,and then to lay holdof the promifes ofGod. They