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the Epipletrthr GalRtianr. Chap.3. lamed that bringv theiryouth in Theylikewifcaretobeb p ignorance. For they are baptized vpon condition that they fhail become difciples ofChrilt , when they conic to yeares of difcretion. And they are by this meanes barred from all the 5 . ' mercies ofGod : for wemutt as good difciplesobay the corn- 1 mandernent that biddes vs turne and belccue , before wecan haue any benefit or profit by any of thepromifes ofGod. Laffly,we arehere taught in theworking of our faluation to keepe the Order of God which he hath let downe vnto vs in o baptifine, which is fief} ofall to turne vnto God, according to all his lawes, and fecondly vpon our conuerfion to layhold ofl the promifes of God,and the confirmation thereof by thefa- craments.Thus (hall we findcomfort in the promifes ofGod, and haue true fellowfhip with God, ifwe beginne where he 5 beginnes inmaking ofhis couenant withvs, and end where he ends. And this we muff doe not onely in the time ofour firlI conuerfion, but alto afterward in the time ofdifireffe,andatilt - Etion,nnd atfuch times as by frailtiewe fall and offend God.In. a word, if for praEiife we alwaks keepe our (clues to this or- 10 der, wefhall find true comfort in life and death. It followes,Baptizing them into thenawe,or in the name of-the Father,Sonne,andholy GhoI: !here words fignifie:firft,to bap tine by the commandment and authoritie of the Fathcr,.Son, and holy Ghoft: fecondly, to baptizeby and with the inacca- 5 tion ofthe name of the true God. Wharfoerserye doe in word or deede, doe it in the nameofour Lord lefit3 chril,.thatt is,by the in, vocationof the name of Cltrift.Col:. 3. i 7.7t' hirdly,tobaptize in thename, &c. fignifies to wa>fh with water in token that the artie baptized hath the name of God nameduponhim , and 0 that he is receiued into the houlhold or familieof God , as a child of God,amember ofChrifl, and the temple ofthe holy Gima. Thus Iacob faith m theadoptionof Ephraim and ß-1a- 1 narres, Let therm be mine , and let my name be called vpon them. Gen.48.5. Y 6. And Paul faith, that the Corinthians might not be named and diftinguifhed by Paul,Cephas,Apollos,becaufe they were not baptized into their names, but into the name of Chriff. r. Cor. t. a-3. And this I take to be the full fenfe of the phrafe. Here we fee whatis done in baptifme the Covenant of grace is folemnifed betweene God and the partie baptied. And. 247