Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

248 Chap. 3. ACommentarie upon And in this couenant fome aftions belong to God , and Ionic to the parties baptifed. Gods aEtions are two. Thefirfl is , the makingof promife of reconciliation , that is , of remillìonof finnes,and life-euerlatling to them that arc baptifed , and be- lecue. The fecondis, theobignationor fealingofthis pro - mile : and that is twofold, outward , or inward . The outward 5 Peale, is the wafhingby water : and this wafúng fettles not to feale bynature,but by the inllitution of God , in there words, baptize them,&c. and therefore Paul faith, clemnfinz,r the Church by the soothingofwater in the word. Eph. 5. 26. The inward fea- to ling is by the carnet of Gods fpirit. Eph. r. t 3. Theathonof the partie baptized , is a certaine tlipulation , or obligation, whereby he binds himfelfe to glue homage to the Father, Son,. andholyGholi. This Homage (lands in faith,whereby all the promifes ofGod arc belecued, and in Obedience toall his cö- 15, mandements. The Pigne of this obligation is , that the partie baptized willingly yeelds himfelfe to be wafhed with water. It is not laide in the name ofgod, but in the name of the Fa. Cher, Sonne, and helyÇbof, to teach vs the right way to know and to acknowledge the true God. This Knowledge 'lands in 20 fixe points, all here exprefied . The firlt is , that there is one God,andno more. For though there be three that are named, yet there is but one name , that is , one in authoritie, will, and worship ofall three. And elfwhcre, men are Paid to be baptized into thename of the Lord. Aet. to. 48. The íccond is, that this 25 one true God,is the Father,Sonne, and holyGhoft. Amyrte- rie vnfearchable. The third. that there three arc reallydiftintt, fo as the Father is firft in order, the Sonne the íccond , and the holy Ghoft,not the firft.or íccond, but the third. The fourtl is, that they are all one in operation, f oh. 5. 19. and fpecially in 30 theaft of reconciliation, or couenant making. For the father fends theConne to be our Redeemer : the forme workes in his owne perron, theworke of redemption : and the holy Gholt applies the fame by his efficacic.The fift is,that they arc all one in worship: for the Father, Sonne,and holyGhoft,are ioyntly 35 to be wor(hippcd together,and God in them. The lait is, that we are toknowGod,not ashe is in himfelfe, but as he bath re- uealed himfelfevoto vsin the couenant of Grace : and there- fore we muff acknowledge the father to be our father, the Son tobe our Redeemer, the holyGhoít to beour comforter; and fccke j