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theEFife to theCalatiarss. Chap.3. ; 249 grow in the knowledge and experienceofthis. -It maybe demanded, whether baptifrne maynot beadatini' fired in thc name ofChrifl alone,or in the name out mentionof theperCons in the Godhead ? e..4nf. No. For the true forme of baptifrne is here prefcribed. If it be laid, that Peter biddes them of Ierufalem , repent andbe baptized into the name of Chrifl. Ali~. 2. 38. I anfwer,that Peters intent in that place is, to let downe.not the.forme of baptifrne, but the ende and fccpethereof, which is,that wemay wattleto true fellow- & chipwith Chnft. . The fourthpointis,concerning tlieenciesof baptifine,which are foure..The firU is, that baptifrne ferues to be a pledge vnto vsin refpc&of our weaknes , of all the graces and mercies of God, and fpccialiyof ourvision with Chrift, of remiffon of S finites, and ofmortification.Secondly, it ferues tobe a figne of Chriflian profèffion before the world : and thereto' re it is cal- . ( led thefliptelation sr interrogationofagoodcon/cience. t .Pet.3. 21. Thirdly , it Caves to be a mean-es of our firfi entranceor ad- million into thevifible Church. Laftly, it is a meattes of vnitìe. o Read Eph.,.S.I.Cor. 12.13. The fifth point concernes the Eflicacle of baptifine. Of which there be foure neceffarie quelbons.The firfl is,whether the Efficacie ofbaptifrne extend it Celle toail finnes. and to the whole life ofmanc For anfwcr,I will let downewhat we teach, Z5 and what the Papifis. Weteach, that the vfe ofbaptilme inlar- geth it Celle to the whole hie of man, and that it takes away all frnnes paff, prefent,andtocorne: one caution rcmcmbrcd,that idle partie baptzed, fluid to theorder ofbaptifrne, which is, to Iturne.vnto God , and to beleeue in Chritt , and to to emirate '5®I by acontinual! renouationof faith and repentance, asoccafìon 'than be offered. Realons may be there. Firtl the fcripture fpeakes of them that had long before bin baptifèd, and that in the time prefent, b'aptifinefacieth, I. Pet. 3.21, and, ye are. bnrted by baptirne,into the deathefchrifl. Rom.6.4. And in the future 5 ; tente it is laide , he that befetueth, andit baptifed ,11,d11he fared. AndPaul faith , that the Church is cleanfed with the zvafbing of; water, that st may beprefeutedglorious andwithout /pot vnto God.' Eph.5.26. And all this li ewes thatbaptifine bath the fame of frcacie after, which it hadbefore the adminitlration there of. \ Secondly,the.couenant ofo race is eucclafling,Ifa S:.}.Io.I-Iof It r . 2.19..