Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

1_,_;.. _ ,.-_--- - ------- . T 2yo rhap. .iConlme>ítarie tpem 2.19. and the couenant is the foundation or fubflance ofbap. tifine : therefore baptifine is not for be tied` toany tithe :but it muli haue his force, fo long as the couenact is of force. And this appeares by theexample of the. Galatians, who arenow fallen away toan other gofpel after their baptifine, andyet are infhuEted. attd.direEted by their baptifme. Lafily , it bathbin dn pt. the dot?rineofthe ancientChurch,t':atallfumesare donea- c33.adBon.!., war bybaptifmc cuen finnes to come. i'c.r;. The doEtrineofthe Papifls is , that baptiCi c takes away all i finnes that got' before the adminiflration thereof: and that ro ' finncs.aftcr baptiftncare not taken away by baptifine, but by the. Sacrament of pennance. But the doEtrine is erronious, as may appcaee by the arguments which they vfe. 1 Argum. firfl. Circumcifion hadno vieafter theadminiflra. iron, thereof, for the abolifhing offinne. Thereforeneither is bath baptifmte. _9nf Circumcifion had. And this appeares; I becaufe the Prophets put the Lewes in minde of their circum- cifion, when they fell away from God , bidding them'to cit. curncife the foreskin oftheir hearts.Ier.4.4 Arg. 2. The Apoflies vied to call them that finned after 20 baptiURIC, to confetlion of finne, and to repentance, or pen. i nance. A61.8.2 t . I .Ioh. t . 9. Anf This makes for vs : for in fo I doing they bring men to their baptifine, and to theorder fet dòwile there,whichis, that thepanicbaptifed,mufl firlt ofall turne to.God, and beleeue in Chrifl: and there is nonew order 2S, fetdowneafierward, hut one:y a renewingof this firllbaptif. tnall'order, both in the Mtniliericofthe word;.and in the fup. per of theLord. And whereas they make a chainétiorrofpen. nancc the vertue, and pcnnance the facrament,plhcing thever- tue before and after. baptifine,and the facramentondyafter: for this , they:have no-word ofGoch Arg. 3. JfamanbeinG htned,thatis,baptifcd;4ndthenfall aZaéne, he cannot be renewed'by,repenrance, which isin b'aptifine. 1-febr. 6.6. An/. The text fpeakes not of them that'fall after baptifine, but of them °that fallaway by an vniucrfall - Apofla- 35, fie,denyingChrifl For it is laid, v. 7,:hse they oucifae Chri/1a- raine, that is , crucifie Chrifl crucified , etvd fo make a mockeof him, and tread under foote thebloodofOrig. Hebr. t o; 29:" A- gaine, the text fpeakes:not particularlyof repentance in bap- tifine, but of all repentance whatlöeucr;,y'eaofrepentanceaf. i S 30 ter