the'psfileto the Galatians, Chap. ter baptifntc.For there isno place forrepentance whereChrift + is renounced. Arg. 4. Pennance (as Hieromefaith)is a fecond table after a, fhipwracke.Anf.Repentance indeedeis a fecond table or bord, whereby a finncr fallen fromhisbaptifine:rcturncs againe toit, and fo comes to the hauenof eucrlaftinghappiness Thus then we fee that baptifmc is the true facrament ofrepentance:for re- pentancepertaincs to the inward baptifine. The vie. If baptifmc time for the whole life ofman : thenif i a o thou be in any mifcrie or diflrcfre , haue recour(e to thybap- 1 tifine,and there (halt thou finde thy com.`òrt,namely,that God 1 f is thy God if thou truly turneand bclecue in him . Secondly,1 remember euery day the obligation of homage,whcrewith 1 thou haft bound thy Idle to God ; (pecially in thy temptations' i 5 remember it: and fee thou (land to it, and.make it good., 1 ((( The fecondqueflion is , whether baptifmc abohfh Origi nail finnc,or no ?!The anfwer ofthe Papifl is,that it doth: fo as in the partie baptired , there rernaincth nothing that Godmay iuflly hate and therefore he faith , that Original' finne after 1. *0 baptifine, ceafeth to be finde properly. We teach, and are to hold, that thepert-eft and intire baptifitie "(in which theout- 1 ward and inward baptifmc arc ioyned together) abolilheth the 1 punifhment of finne,and the guilt,that is,theobligation to pu- nifhmcnt , and the fault : yet not"(imply, but in two refpeets: 25 fiat , in refpeft of imputation; bccaufe God loth not impute Originali (inne to them that are in Chrill : fecondly, in refpec . ofdominion; becaufc Orginall finite raigneth not in them that are regenerate. Neuerthcieire, after baptifme,it remains in thë , that arc baptifed,and isftiil;and that properly,finne.Pau1 faith, 30 Ronr.7. 20. If/doe that (wontdnot, it is r.omore I that doe it, but i linne that dweileth inme doth it. Here marke, Paul calls coricu- pifcence in'himfelfe after regeneration , ftnne; and that proper- ly becaufe the faith it is the fame that maketh men to firma AndCol. 3. C. he faith , til?ertif'eyour earthlymembers : and a- 35,-mongthe,re(thenameth;cui!lconcapifcence. And to theEpile- i 1 Ili sits 4. 22. Beye renewed in thefpirit ofyourminder. Therefore after`baptifine forceportionsremain (till of the old man,or of original! finne.S.Iohn faith, 1. (oh, s 8.IfweThywe haueno f sne, !F we deceiueour feiues. Anfwer'is made, that this is fpokenofve- niall, or (-Mall finnes : but how canthey be final! tnnes that are 13 ..2 , IO , --t