Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

/ 2 5 2 j Cltap.3. v9Corriatentarie vpon tobe wafhed away with the blood of Chiift, as he faith v. 7. And ifthcie words be fpoken ofinfants (as theyare) then mutt Concupifcence be a finne in them : for they haueno aauall finnes. Laflly, Chrifl faith , Ioh. i 3. i o. He that id ail rahed, m:ijl haw' hisfear, that is, his carnal] affeaions, wafhed. -Here S obferue two things. One , that defilements of finne remaine in them that are wafhed. The fecond, that they are after the firfi wafhiág, to be donc awayby Chrift,andnct by theatts ofour pennance. Thegrounds ofPopifh doctrine in this point,are two.The to firfi is this. They make threedegrees of Concupifcence. The firfi is, the prone&Te in the flefh to rebel} againft the lawof the minde,or the prone& to euili. The fecond , flandsin the firfi motions to finne, which goe before confent ofwill. The third, flands in as of lull' ioyri.ed with confent of will. This third, tS they fay,is forbidden in the moral law, which forbids and con. denims voluntarie concupifcence: and the two firfi are not. Becaufe ( as they fpeake ) concupifcence it felfe with the fig} motions arenot in mans power : and therefore they arc rather Ito be tearmed defe ìs or infirmities, then finnes : and that men 70 are no more to be blamed for them then for thedifeafcs oftheir bodies. Anf. The doctrine is falfe:for it is an euident truth that ?'Concupifcence with the firfi motions thereof to mill , is con - demned in the Moral! law. It is a Principle in expounding the !law : where any attuall finne is forbidden, there all caufcs, oc :5 cations, & fi:rtherances thereof,are likewife forbidden.There. 1 fore conlicieringatuail concupifcence ioyned with confent,is jforbidden in the law, Originali concupifcence with the firfi' motions thereof, beeing caufes ofthe former, are hkewire for- ' bidden And Paul faith, he hadnot knowne Luft to be fine," .3o vnleffe the lawhad laid,Themfhaltgot I, /?. Rom. 7. ¡. Now he was a Dolor ofthe law, and knew that luft with confent was a finne: for thus much thelight ofnatureteacheth: therfore the f'peakcs ofanhigher degreeofJuli, namely, of lufl going before confent. The fecondground is this. When finne is remitted , it loth 3 S not make menguiltie,but ceafeth to be a fault : Original} finne therefore ceafeth to be finne after baprifine. Anf.Though atm. all guilt be taken away, yet potential! guilt remaineth, namely, an aptoes inOriginal! finne,to make menguiltie :and thotrel it