NNW the Epii9le to thi GselR:ian.r. Chap.3. itbe not the faultofthis or that petfon,yet it is a fault in nature; or as it is conGdered in it (elfe. The vfe. If Originall finne remaine after baptifine to the death , then we mutt humble our felucs, and vie to the very S death, thepleaofinercie and pardon, denying our !clues, and reftingon Chriff. Againe, ifperfons baptifcdbe.Gnncrs to the death,it may be demaunded, what difference there is betweene the godly and vt godly?Á.ìf in them that are regenerate,there is a knowfor t o their inward corruptions , and for their fines paft , with a de- fellation of them : and withal! there is a Purpofe in them to tune no more and with this purpofe there is ioyned an en- deauour to pleafe God in all his commandements: fo as ifthey doe finne, theycan faywith goodconfcience, that they finned s5 aga nft their purpofe and refolution. This cannot the vngod- ly man doe. `- The tbiirdpoint is , how baptifine conferrer grace ? Anf. It conferres grace : becaufe it is means toglue andexhibit to the beleeuingminde Chrift withhis benefits ; and this it dotli 20 by his fignification. For it fettles as a particular and infallible certificate to affure thepartie baptifcd,.of the forgiuenes ofhis finnes, andofhiseternal! faluation. Andwhereasthe Minifter, in thename of God, applies the promfe of merde tohim that isbaptifed, it is indeede as muchAs ifGod !Mould haue madea s 5 particular promife tohim. In this regard,baptifrne maywell be laid to conferrc grace, as theKings letters are Paid to faue the f life of the malea&our , when they doe but fignifie to him and } others, that the kings plcafure is to Phew tauour. Againe, bap., tifmemaybe(aide to conferregrace , becaufe the outwardwa- 30 Thingofthe bodie is a token or Pledge of the grace of God : andby this pledge faith is confirmed, which is an infrument toapprehend or receiue the grace ofGod.And this confirma. tion is made byakind ofreafoning in the minds, on this man - ner : He that vfeth the figne aright, !hail recciue the thins la. 35 ni6ed: I,faith the partie baptifed,bceing ofyeares)vfe the'figrte' aright in faith and repentance: therefore I !hail rcceiuc the thing fi nifed, remitTionoffinnes,and lifecuerlafting. A king faith to his fubieet, Ht thatbrings the beadof lash s_traytotrr, ilia!' bane' a thoufand pound'es..Well: theheadof. the foreîaid tray tour i¡s cutoff. artdhethat bath the head snag: fay,Here isa 11.3; thou,