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254 Chap. ;._ AC.emmentstrie vpon thoufand pounds,or,this will bringmea thoufand pounds,bc- cautc it is unto him as a pledge upon the kings word ofthere. wardofa thoufand pounds. And fo is the washing inbaptdme an infallible pledge to him that belccucs, oldie pardon of his limes. Thus doe the facraments conferee grace, andno other- s wife. One rcaton for many may be this. The word of God 5 co.;irs grace :(for itis thepower of God tofa!uationtothem that beiecue) and this it Both by ftgnifyi:;g.tficwill of God, by the Bare to the mind : now curry facrament is the. word ofGod madeviuible to the eye : the facrainent therefore confirs grace to by vcrtuc of his fignification,andby rcaton it is a pledge by she. appointment of God , of his rnercie and goodnes. l niay be faid, a facrament is not only a fine and a kale but alto win tlrumenttoconuay the grace ofGod toys. Anfwer. It is not an inflrument hauuig thegrace ofGod tved veto it or Phut vp'tS in it : but aninflrument to which grace is prefcnt by a'ilifance in the right vfe thereof :becaufe in-& withthe right vfc of the facrament , God confereesgrace: and thus is it an inflrument, and no otherwifc,. that is, a morali and not a phyficall inßra- went. zb Thedoctrineof the Papifl is, that the facramcnt conferees grace by the worksdone : that is , that the outward anion of the Minifler conferees graceby his ownc force,when the facra. ment is adminiftred. And that it may confereegrace, fonie fay, that the faide anion hash vertue in it for thispurpofe ,which sî paTeth away when the anion is ended : others fay , it bathno vertue in it, but that Godsvftng of the anion eleuates it , and makes it able to conferee grace. But this donrine is a fiction of the 'beanie of mart Iohn the Baptifl, Math.3. r t . makes two baptizers, himfelfe, and Chrifl; and he di!fingui(hcth their a t nions : liis owns anion is, to wafhwith water; and theanion ofChrifl is,to wafh with the holy Ghoul. This diflinctionhe wouldnot haue made, if heby the wailingofwater had ton' fcercd the holy Ghoul. Paul faith , Chriji firn5)i(rerh húChur h by the u'afh:n mater, through the word. Eph.ç.z6. Baptifinets [therefore lothnot conferee grace, becaufe the boche is wa(hed with water : but becaufe when it iswafhed , theword of pro- mite is belecued and recciued. TheApofllcs arc called,ftllom7 . workers withGod, t .Cor.3.9. and yet in the worke ofecgercra- ¡tion and in 'gluingoflife, theyarc not any'thing. v.7_ _peter fiithl Thom. &zmm. 6 z:art. ':tLCttar.(te Sur.