theEpiflle tothegalati tni. Chap.3. j sy faith direCty , that thewehing away of thefilth gibe flefb Both not fare, bxt theffipulatien that agoodconfcienceenakes:tb. God. i Pet: 3.2. t . Theworkeofcreation is fromGod.immediat13r,and Lonely: now regeneration is a worke ofcreation: andtherefore it isof God immediatly, and not immcdiatly from the facra- ment and mediatly fromGod. The flefbof Chrifl is elevated and exalted abone the condition of all creatures: ncuettheics vertue toglue life is not in the flcfh of Chrift , but in the god head;: much.Icfíc then fhallthe facramentshauevertue in them t:o to conferee grace. Faith is laid to iufl ific , yet notbyhis owne vertue for it.doth not caufe our iullifièation , but ferue as a :canes to apprehendit,.when:itis-caufed byGod : how then flail the facramentscaufe iuflifiCation?- Lanly , iFtheoutward wathingof the.bodie beeleuatedabouehisnaturall condition, x S in the adminiftration ofbaptifine ,. then fo oft as the outward element is vied in any facrawent, there is a miracle wrought : and Minders of facraments arcworkers of miracles, which may notbefaid._ Againe,their doaripre is; erronh. us; in that they teach, that so the.outward a& in the.Sacramentperformed by the Minifler, cöfers.gracc,where there is,no gift offaith to receiue.that which is conferred`:.,contrarieto that fay ing,Ioh:.-t. 1'2. 4.r many ure ceiuedhim hiegame th"v power to be the fonnes of God. Indeed they fay. there-- and repentance todifpofe the partie 5 but this difpotìtion fernes. onely, to take away impediments, and 'not ta.inable vs to recciue thatwhich God giueth. The vfe, We muff?not thinke it fufEcicnt, that we come to the-Church,.heare.Gods word .andpray,contenting-our feines in the:worke-done..För. thus flïalLwe deceive our.félues: but in 3o: doing there a s of religion-,,we mull-in our heartsturne vnto God,and by faith imbrace his. promifes :_. otherwise the bell a lions wedoe, (hall be vnprofitable vinovs. hlcb,4.2.. Againe ifthevfing of the fa-crimenrdoe not conferee grace,then be:aflùred that charmes, and fpells, be the 11 wordsneuer fo good haue no; them to doe vsgood but by.diabolicall operation.. Thelaft queflion is,,whether baptifine imprint a Chara(ter ormarke in-thc.foule,which is nener;blotted out? 'A4¡.'Tn fcrip- turethere isa twofold":arlceofdiflinétion, onevitble? the o- ther_inuifiblc. Of thez firft:kind was.tlieblòodof. the pafchall Jambe,