Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

16 Chap.3. 14 Commextcrrie vpon Iambe, in the fir(' paffeoucr : for by it the firtl borne ofthe If taehtcs were 113miced , when the firft borne of the Egyptians were Elaine. Ot-this kind is baptifrnc: forty it Christianpeo- ple'arc dillinguiibed from Iewes,Turkcs,andinfidels.The in- uifiblc marke, is twofold. The firllris the eternal! Eleft,on of God. 2.Tim.2. t 9.Tl efoundarion of God/landsAre , Andbath S this feale,The Lordmorves whoare his.By vertue of this,Chrifi faith,Iknowmy f eepe,.Ioh. ro. And by this the Elect ofail nati- ons arc markcd.Apoc.y.and 9. The fecond is the gift ofrege. neration, which is nothing els but the imprintingorthe image to ofGod,in the foules ofmcn ani by this belecuers are faid to befealed. Eph. t 3.2.Cor:r.22. And baptifme is a meanes to ice this marke in vs ; bccaufe it is the lauerof regeneration. The Papifis haue deulfed another workc, which they call the Indeleble charaEler s and they make it to be a diflinct thing from regeneration : and they fay it is imprinted in the foules of aUmen, good and bad , and remaines in them when they are condemned. What this marke fhould be they cannot tell; Tome make it a quality : fome, a relation : but indeed there is no ,fcripture for it,thc truth is, it is a rneerefiction ofthe brame of 20 man. The fixt point to be handled concernes the Necefftic of baptifine: Here we mull put difference betweene the Coue- nant ofgrace, and baptifine, which is the confimation or fealc ofthe couenant.Tomake couenantwith God,and tobe in the ss faid couenant,is abfolutely necefrarie to faluation : for vnles God be our God, and wethe feruants ofGod,.we.canno be Caned. Baptifine it felfe is necetfarie in part : firfl,in refpe& ofrig commendement ofGod , who hath iniovned vs to vfe it : fc 3c condly in refpea of our weakcnes ; who haue neede ofáll helps that may confirmeour faith. Yet baptifine is not limply neccffarie to faluation, for the want of baptifine( when it can - behad)doth not conderrine; but thecontempt of it when it maybiehad : and the contempt is pardonable if men repent 35 afterwat'd: for the childrenofbeleeuing p rents are borne holy r. Cor. 7.14. and theirs is the kinudome ofGod : and there frire, ifthey die before baptifine, they arc faued . The theefe *Pon the croffe, and manyholy-martyrs , haue died without 'baptí(mei and ne in thekingdome ofhcautn.