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24 Chap.'. AComnsentarie vpan An obie&ion might be madeagainft the former conclufion, thus: But the molt excellent among the Apoilles, Iames, Pe- ter, Iohn(by your leauc)teach an other gofpel then that which Paul had preached.To this obicEtíon he makes anfwer in this verfe negatiuely,that whofacucr teacheth another Gofpell is accurfcd,whatfoeuerhe be.In this anfwer three thingsare to be confidered :a finne,the punifhment thereof, and a foppofition (truing to amplifie the finny The finne is to preach in the caure of our iuftification, a- ny other thing befide that or diners to that which Paul taught theGalatians,though it be not contrarie. Thus much the°very words itnport:andthe fame wordes are againe vied in the next verfe.And Paul bids Tirnothie, akoid them that teach otherwife, that is,any diuers doeìrineas neceffarie to faluation,befide that which he taught.i.Tim.6.3. And the Teafon of this finne,is: 15 becaufe God bath giucn this corrmandement,We maynot de- part-from his vvord,to the right hand or to the left; neither may we adde thcreto,or take therfrom.Iofu. r .v.7.8.Deut.4. & i 2. Before I gather any doIrinchence, this ground is to'be laid downe,that Paul preached all the ceunfellofGod, 20 And that which hepreachcd,becing neccfl'arie to faluation,he wrote,orfomeother oftheApofles.Loh.2o.3 r. This becing graunted(which is a certen trueth) two ursine conclufons fol- lowe.One,that the Scriptures aloneby thetnfelues, without a- ny other word,are ofaundantlyfief/ficient tofalu_ttion,whether we 25 regard doE rives offaith,or manners. For he that dcliuers any &Chineout of-them,and.beGdethem,as neccffáriz to bebelee- ued,is accurfed. The fecond concluGon,is, that vnwritten Traditions,ifthey be tendered to vs, as a part ofGods word, andas necefiarie to 30 faluation;they are abominations, becaufe they are doEtrines be- fide the Gofpell thatPaul prcached.And the Romanereligion eves to the ground:becaufeit is founded on Tradition out of, and befide the written word.Learned Papifis,to helpe them- felues,makea double anther . One is , that they arc accurfed s s which preach otherwife then Paul preached , and not they which preach otherwife then he writ. But it is fallewhich they fay,for that which hcpreachcd,hewritte. Auguffine hauing re oP&? et quam lation to the text in hand faith , that he is accurfedwhichpreach- Canna Petili- an.i.3.c,6. etb any tbinobefsdde that which we haze receiued in the legal! anel Fawn eh.