258 Chap. 3. ACommentarie upon without faith. For there is neither precept, nor fit example for it in the word ofGod. TheexampleofZtppora isalleadged, Exod.4.z8. whocir- cumcifed her child. .An,' Theexample is manywaies difcom. mendable. For theedid it in the pretenceofher husband,whcn there was no neede : thee did it in haft, that thee might hauc á preucnted her husband : fhee did it in anger : for thee caft the foreskin at the feoteof Mofes. And it limes thee was no be. teener, but a meere Madianite. For lhee.contemned circumci. fion , when Thee called her husband a gran ofblood 6y reafon of to the circ.emc:fi n of the child. v. 26. and in this refpeet it times, Motes either put her away , or fhee went away when he went downe to Egypt. Againe, it is obicr`.3ed , that private perlons may teach and therefore baptize. Anf. Private teat hing, and Mmilteriall tea- ft ching are diftinE inkind, as the authoritie ofa matter ofa fa- milie, is diftint inkind from theauthoritie ofa Magiftrate. A private perfon,asa father or rnafter,when he teacheth theword ofGod , he doth it by right of a matter or father, and he is mooned todoe it by the law ofcharitie: but Minitiers when :o they teach, are mooued to teach by f rcciall calling, and they doe it with authoritie, as hmbaflfadours in the roome and ítead ofChrifl. 2. Cor. 5. 2 t . A game , though a private man might difpenlc the word alone:yet doth it not follow that he may ad- minifter both theword and the leale thereof: both which are 25 ioyned in baptifine, and ioyntly adminiftred. The fecondqueflion is, whether baptifine adminiifiredby a wicked manoran heretike, be indeede truc baptifine ? Anf.. If the laid partie be admitted to (land in the roome ()Fa true pa- flour or minifter , and keepe the right forme in baptifing, ac- 30 cording to theinttitution , it is true baptifine. The Scribes and1 Pharifìes the chicfcft dolours of the Lewes, were not of the tribe ofLevi, but ofother tribes: and they were indeede , euen the belt of them , but heretikes and Apoflataes, and conic- quently to be depofed and excommunicate : ncuertheles, be. 35 `caufc theywere in the place ofgood teachers , and fate in Mo- les chaire , that is , taught lundrie points ofMoles doEtríne: 'therefore Chrift faith,heare them, Math. 2 3. r. And to thiscf- feet was the conclufionoldie Churches in Africa,againflCy- prima. Vpo i s