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theEpißle te the Galatians. Chap.;. I 259 Vpon the fameground the fame anfwer is to be made , if it bedemanded, whether bapti(meadminiftred by him that can not preach , beof force or no ? It were indecde tobe wifhed that all Minifters ofholy things, were preachers oftheword: 5 neucrthclefe,iffuchas preachnot, (land in the roomeof law. full paftours , and keepe the forme of bapti(me, it is baptifmc indeedc. The third gilef}ion is, whether an Intention tobaptife, be neceffaricin him that baptifeth ? Anf. If the word oflnflituti -1 E o on -come to the Element, it is a facramcnt whatfocuer themint (ter intend. Paul reioyced that Chrill was preached , though many preached him of enuie or contention , intending no good. Phil. I. 16. And the Prieft in the Matie pronouncing the words of confecration,ifhe intendnot to confecratc(in Po. I5 pith learning)thcre is no confccration : and thus the bread ele- uated is meere bread, and not the bodic ofChrif} : and confc- quently thepeople adore not Chrifi, but an idol. The intenti on therefore of the minde is not necelfaric, fo be it the 1n(litu- tion be obfcrucd. And theefficacie of the facramcnt depends 20 not on the will ofman,but on the will of God. The lag queftion is,what is the dutieofthe Minu ter in bap- tifing ? Anf. HeRands in the roomeofGod: and what he doth according to the Inttitution , it is as much as if God himfclfe had done it with his owne handfrom heauen. And therefore, 25 whë the Minitier apphcth water,(which is the figne & pledge ofgrace,)to thebody,he dothwithail appliethe Promife ofre- miffionof Lanes, and life euerlafting , to the partie baptifed. And that is as much as if God fhould fay to thepantie , calling him by his name , I freely giue unto thee the pardon of thy finnes,and life euerlafting, vpon condition thou keepe the or- 30 der Let downe in baptifmc, which is, to turne vnto me, and to bcleeue in Chrifi. Here we feea groundoffpeciall faith : for if God for his part by the hand of the Miniter applie the pro - tmlcofinercie vnto cuery particular beleeuer : eueryparticu- lar beleeuer is againe by a fpeciall faith to recclue thepromife. 3 S Againe, the confideration ofthiswhichGodbath done for vs in baptifine,muft moouevs ferioufly to turnevnto him accor- ding to all his !awes, and by faith of our hearts to apprehend his mercifull promifes, and to ref' on them. For when God !halt fpeakevnto vs particularly, and as it were, adore vs ofhis Kk 2 mercies