Chap.1. A Commentarie vpoa mercies with his owne hand and leale, we mu$ needs be much moouedand affected therewith. The fecond circumffance is concerning the perlons to be baptifed : and they are ail fuch as be in the Couenant, in likeli- hood,or in the judgement ofcharitie. For thekalemay not be s denied to them that bring the tables ofthe couenant.And they are oftwo forts ; Men of yeares,and Infants. Men ofyeares that ioync them (-clues to the trueChurch,are to bebaptifed: yet before their baptifine,they arc tomake con. feffion oftheir faith,and to promife amendment of life. Aft, 2. ; to 3 band to.; 8. And thus placesofScripture that require a&u. all faith,and Amendment of life in them that arc baptifed,are to bevnderflood ofmen ofyeares. Infants ofbeleeuing parents are likewife to be baptifed.The grounds of their baptifine are there. Firfl, the commandement rf of God,Matth.z8. r S.Baptizeallnation. ,d-c. in whichwordes the baptifine ofinfants is prefcribed. For the Apoffles by ver, tue ofthis commi(lion baptifed whole famiiics.Att. r 6.3Land 3 8 Againc,circuircifion of Infants was commandedby God, Gen. r 7.14. and Baptifine in the new Teftament,fucceedes in 10 the roome of Circumcifion. Col. 2. 1 I. therefore baptifine of infants is likewife commanded. The fecond ground is this: In- fants of belceuing parents ,are in the couenant of grace:for this' is the tenour of thecouenant , I rill be thy God , and the God of thy feede,Gen.17.7. It may be raid , that this promife was made :; in this fort oncly to Abraham , becaufehe was to he theLather ofthe faithfull. An]'.It pertaines to all belecuing parents. Ex- od. 20. God promifeth to /here remercie to thou%endsofthem that loue him. Ait. 2. 39. Peter faith to the lewes that heard him preach , The promifes belon toyou , and toyour children. Patti 30 faith, If theparents- heleeue, the children are holy. r .Cor.7 .14. If holy, then arc they in the Couenant : now they are holy : be, caule we are in the judgement of Chriflian charitie to e- fleeme them all as regenerate and fanefified, fecret judgements lin the tneane feafon) left to God. Now then becaufe infants 35 arc in the coucnant, they arc to be baptifed. For this is the rea- fon ofS. Peter : Towhome the promifes belong,to them be- longeth baptifine : but to you and your children belong the promifes : therefore you and your children are to be baptifed. Aft.2.38,39- _ it