Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

26z Chap.3. ACornmentarie upon whichpromue theeducation ofthe child in the true faith. Thirdly,itmay be demanded, whether the children ofwic. ked Chrittians,that is,of filch as hold in iudgement true rehgi- on,and denie it in theirliues,may be bapttzcd?Anf. They m'v: for all without exceptió,that wcrc borne ofcircumcized Jews, (whereofmanywere wicked)were circuwcifed. And we mutt S not onely regard the next parents, but alto the aunceflours:of whomeit is laid, Ifthe roote be holy, the brancherare holy, Rom. i t.Vpon this ground,children borne in fornication , may be baptized,fobeit,there be tome toanfwer for them , betide the le parents.And there is no reaton that the wickedneffe of the pa- rent, (houldprciudicc the chtlde in things pertaining to hice- ternal!. Lafîly,it may be demanded, whether the children ofpa. rents excommunicate,may be baptized?Anfw. Yea, ifthere be 15 any betide the parents to anfwer for the child. For the parents after excommunication romaine ft,IJ(for Right)rnembers of the Church , having hill a right to the kingdorneofbeam: outof which they arcnot cati .1bfotutely , but with condition, wile& they repent:and in past;that is in reepeitof communi. io on,or vfe'oftheir libertie, but not in reipeet ofright or title:e- uen a's a freemanofa corporation imprifoned,remaines a free- tnarr,though for the time he hathno vfc ofhis libertie. The third Circumftanceconcernes the time.Here oneque- ftionmaybe mooued:How oft baptitme is tobe adminiftied: :S Anfm. but once: for the efftcacieofbaptitme extendsit (elfe to thewhole life ofman:and we are but once borne againe, and once ingrafted intoChrift.Here let it be obferued, that the gift ofregeneration isneuer vtterly extinguithed : for ifa man be the fccond timeborneagaine,hc mutt be baptized againeand 30 againe:becaufe baptifme is the facrament ofinfition. It may be faid,thata man may remain ftil ingrafted into Chrift,& by his own wickedneffe make himfelfe a dead member.I anfwer, that all the membersofthemyfficall bodieofChritt,are liuingme- bers.The.pirittsall temple is :made oflining¡Iones,t.Pet.z.S.And îí markewhat Paul faith;:(( thebedieofChriff increafeth with the increafrngofg.d, Col.'z. r g. and Eph. a. z i. Beleeuers are of thebone and flelhofChrift: nowe there is no partof the bone and fleth ofChrift that dieth. The Taft Circumftance istouchin ; theplace: & that is ,the pub.