theEpifile.tothe çalatians. Chap.3. 2153 publikeafíemblieor congregation ofthe peopleofGod. Be- chute baptifme is a part ofthe publike Miniflcrie,and a depen dance vpon thepreachingof the wordofGod . Sccondly,the whole congregation is tomakeprofit by the enarrationof the y . inflitutionofbaptifrne:and laftly, the Paid eongrcgation is by praier toprefent the infant baptized vetoGod , and to intreat for the faluation thereof,thc praier ofmany bteing moll effe- ttuall. . The eight and lea point foilowes , concerning the vie of i o baptiftne.And firfl ofali,our baptifmc muff put vs in minde, that we areadmitted and receiuedmto the family of God : and confequently ,that we mull carrie our felues as the feruants of God. And that we may doe fo indcede,we mull deuidc our liuesinto twoparts, the life pall, and hfe to come.Touching 15 thelifc thatis pafl,wemull perforate three things. The firfl is examination , whereby wenull call our felues to an account for all our fannes,euen from thecradles the fecond is CCnf ll on, wherebywe mull with forrowfull heat is bewable and ac knowledge the fame finnes,in the pretence of God , accufng 20 andcondemning our {clues for them. The third is Deprecati- on, whereby we are to intreat theLord, in thename ofCbzifl, and that moll inflantly fromday to day.till we recciue a com- fortable anfwer, in the peace of confuenee, and by of the H. Ghat+. 2 S And for the life to come,there mull be two.things invs: the firtt is,the Purpofeofnot finning; and it mull be a liuely and I diflinl purpofe,daily renewed in vs, cuenas we renewe our 1 daies:fo as we.may fay,ifwe finne it isagainfl our purpote and j refolution. The {ccond is,an indeauour to perfor rime newobe- 30 dience,according to all the commandements of God. There I things ifwe doe,we frail fhewe our {dues tobe the feruants of i God . And of all there things,baptilinemull be(as it werela daily fermonvnto vs: and fo oft to thinke on them,asoft as we thinke or fpeake ofour names giucn vs in baptifine . This is 35 thedoarine ofPaul,who teacheth vs that we mutt beconfor- mable to the death and rcfurrection ofGhrill,becaufe wehaue beeuebaptized.Rom.6.3,4. Againe,our baptifmcinto the name of the father,&c.niufl teach vs,that we mull learne to know andacknowledge God arightgthat is, to acknowledge him to be our God, and father its.