164 Chap.3. ACommentarie vpon inChrifitoacknowledge his pretence, and therefore to walke before him ; to acknowledge hisprouidence, and therefore to caft our careon him;to acknowledgehis goodneffe and tner- cie,in the pardon and free forgiuenelTeofour (limes. Thirdly, Ourbaptifmemutt be vino vs a florchoute ofall comfort in the timeof our need. Ifthou be tempted by the ï deuil , oppofe againft him thybaptifme inwhich God bath promifedand fealed vnto thee the pardon of thy [limes, and life euerlafting. Ifthoube troubledwith doubtings and weak- tics offaith, confider that God hath given theean carnet and to pledgeofhis louing kindnes to thee.lñie vfeoften to look vp. on thewills ofour fathers and grand-fathers, that we may be refoluedinmatters ofdoubt : and fo , often Tooke vpon the will of thy heavenly father fealedand deliuered to thee in thy baptifme, and thou (halt the better be refolued in the middelt! tS ofall thy doubts.Ifthou lietinder any crotTeor calamitic,haue recourfe to thy baptifine, in which God promifcd tobe thy God, and ofthis promitehe will not falle thee. Laftly,if a man would be a (Indent in diuinitie, let him !carne &prat Life his baptifme. Commentariesare necdefull to 20 the ftudie of the fcriptures : and the belt commentarie toa mans owne Idle is his owns baptiftrac. For ifa man haue lear- ned to know ought and topraCtifc his ownebaptifme, he (hall thebetter beable to vndert}and the whole : and without this hclpe, the fcriptures themfclucs (hall be as a riddle vnto is vs. The4. point whereby the gift of adoption is defcribed is the ground thereof,in thefewords, ye havepit on are: and 411 Are one in Chrif1. Thephrafc which Paul vteth , is borrowed from thecuflome ofthem that were baptifed in the Apoflcs 30 daies,who put off their garments,when they were tobe bapti- fed , and put on newgarments after baptifme. Toput on a garment, is to apply it to the bodie , and to vie or wean it. And to put on Chritl, is tobe ioyned neerely to Chrift, and to haue fpirituall fellowfhip with him. Here then the foundati. 35 on ofour adoption isïm two things, our vision with Chrift, & our communionwith him. Of which we are fomewhat to be Iaduertifcd for the better vnderPanding of the text. The unionwith Chrift, is a worke of God whereby all be- Iceuers are madeone withChrift. Here two queftions are to