the Epp to theGalatfáms. Chap.3. 265 be demanded. The firfi in what refpet, or for what caufearc they Paid to be one with Chrift ? Anf. They arenot one with him in conceit or imaZination : for this coniunaion is in truth a reali coniunaion.Iohn r7.2i. Chrift prooues that 6e- 5, leviersmay be one with hinm ashe isone with thefather.Secondly, they arc notone barely by content ofheart and affe&ion : for thus all famillesand friends are one : and theyof Ierufalem are faid thus tobeof oneheart andmind. At7.¢. 32. Thirdly, they are not one in fubflancefor fo many beleeuers as there are, fo I o manyWhat perfans are there : Sr euery one of themdiflina from theperfon ofhrifl: And the fubflance of the godhead ofChrift isincommunicable : and the Heíhof Chrifi is in bu- nco and (hall there abide till theTaft iudgetnent: whereupon it cannot bemixed or compoundedwith our fui ftances.Lafily, .g.5 beleeuers are not one with Chrift by transfùfion ofthe pro- perties and qualities ofthegodhead ,or manhood vnto vs. It maybe laidhow then are they one withhim? I anfwer byone and thefame fpirit dwelling in Chrift andin all the members ofChrifi. r . Cor. 6. r 7.he that cleaneth to the Lord, is onefpirit. 20 Paul faith in thisfenfe,Eph. 2. 14. that Chrifi maketh the two diflinía nations of Iewes and Gentiles one newman. S. Iohn faith , that (hrifdwells in vs andwe inhim by the fpirit. ;.Iohn 3.23. For the better concciuing of this, fuppofea manwhole head lies in Italie,his armes in Germanic, and Spaine, his fcete 25 ! in England : fuppofe further that one and the fame foule ex- tends it felfe to all the forefaidparts , and quickens them all : they arc all now become one in refpeët of cale and the fame foule,andall concurre as members toone and the fame boche euen fo, all the Saints inheauen, and all beleeuers vpon earth 30 hauing one and the fame fpirit of Chrifi dwelling in them, are all onein Chrift. The fecond queflion is,howare all beleeuers made onewith Chrifi ? e4 f. Bya donation on Gods part wherebyChrifi isgiucn vnto vs , and by a receiuingonour part. The donati- 35 on is whereby Chrifi is made ours for right, fo as a man may fay truly, Chrifi is mine with all his benefits. Of this donation 4. things arc to be obferucd. The firfi is, that Chrifi himfelfe and whole Chrifi is giuen to vs. Forheere we are laid to put` on Chrifi. Herea difiinftionmuff beobferued: theGodhead ofChrift is given to vs, not in refpeft offubflance which is L I r inCOSri-