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266 Cl xp.3. 4 Commeutarieupon incommunicable, but only in refpc& ofoperation. But the ve- ry flefh or manhood of Chrifl is reallygiucn to the belceuing heart. Ich.6.54,ç6. By it we receiue eternal! life from the god. head, and by it God is ioyned to man, andman to God. The fecond is, that Chrifl glues his merit and fatisfaìion to them that beleeue. And this fatisfac % ion imputcd,is the couer whet- S byour finnes are couered, Pfa1.3 2. i. and the white robesdip- ped in the bloodof Chrifl. Reu. 7. 14. Thirdly,Chrifl glues the c8îcacieofhis fpirit to make vs conformable to himfelfe in holines and newnes of life : and thus he makes v.r prat cif. old r»an,andput on thenewman, created after God in righteoMfneJ and holines, Eph. 4.24. The fourth is, that the word preached and o the facraments, are (as it were) the hand ofGod whereby he exhibits and glues Chrifl vnto vs with all his benefits. ®four recciuing ofChrill giucnby God, two thingsmull be obferued : one is, that we muff there receiueChrifl , where Godoffers and giues him, that is, in the word and facrarnents, The fecond is,that faith is our hand,wherbywe receiue Chrifl; and this recciuing is doneby a fupernaturall as of the mimic, whereby we beleeue Chrif} with his benefits to be ours. bah, t. 110 12. Thus we fee how we are one withChrifl, andCbrill with vs. Communion with Chriff is, whenwe haue, pofl'ef!e, and inlroy Chrifl andhis benefits : and that is partly in this life, and fully in the life tocome. Ofthis communion fpeakesSalomon 25 at large in theSong offongs,and Dauid.Pfal.45 The vfe. In that we are to put onChrifl, we are put inmind i to confider our fcarefull nakednes. What is that? Anf. Thereis a nakednes ofcreation, and a nakednes following the fall. The nakednes of creation is, when the bodie without all cowering, s" is in health, full of glorieand maiefiie, in refpeet ofother crea- tures. Nakednesarifngof the fall ofman, is either inward, or outward. Inward,is, the want ofthe image of God, the want of innocencie, ofgoodconfcience, ofthe fauour of God , and af- fiance in him. For thafe are (as it were) the couerings of the 3 foule. Outwardna.kednesis , when the bodiebeeing vncoue- red, is full of dcforrnitie and fhame. Now that inward naked - nesof heartis noted as a,fpcciall cuill, Gen.3.7. Exod ; 2.25. Prou. 29. t 8. Rm. 3. a 7. we mull labour to fee and feelc this, nakednes in our felues. Far by it, weave deformed and odious