(in theeye ofGod. Secondly, we arehereput in miede tohaue a fpeciall care of the trimming and garnifhing of our foulc. And for this caufc we muff pert on the Lord1efu, Rom. i 3. 14. And thatis done 5 twowales. Firf?,byvncouering our nakedrtcs before God,and byprayinghim to caner it. Tovncoucr our fhame , is the way to couer it. Pfal. 5 z. 1, 2, 3. Thefècondway is, toCubic(t our films to the word and fl;irit of Godand to be conformable to Chrifi both in his life and death. It f(ands vs inhand thus to go put on Chrifi. For the kingofheaven bath long inuitedvs to themarriageofhis Sonne : we haue yeilded our ¡clues to be his gut ls: and there is a time when thekingwill take a furuay of all his guefis,whethcr they haue thewedding garment, which isChrrft himfelfe: and they which are notclad with this robe, j 5 (hall be cati into vtter darknes. Weare asnaked infantsexpo. fed to death, Ezech. r 6.7. themerit and obedience ofChrifi is as fwadling clothes and fwadling bands. Ifwe would then liue, we muff lappe and infold our (clues in them. The rather I fpeake this : becaufe in there dales men and women are intoxi- ao citedwith a fpirituall drunkennes, or rather madncfc, where- by they arc alwaies tempering and trifling about their bodies, and let theirfoules lie naked. It may be faid , wehaue all put on Chrift in baptifine. I ant : we haue had in England peace and profperitic this 43. yearcs:and wehauehued all this while, 5 asit were in the warme fun-fhine:and thcrforc manyofvs (no doubt)haueworne this garment very loofcly. Thirdly, there is a great temptation an fing upon the confi- derationofour owne indignitie. For whenour finnes come to our remembrance, they driucvs from the pretence ofGod, 30 and make vs thatwedare not pray. Now the remedie is this. Wemuff come clothed with Chrifi into the prefence of God: we may not come in our owne names, but we muff come in hisname and prefent the merit ofChrifi vnto the father, cuen as ifwewere one and the fameperfon with him. Thus (hall we 3 5 be accepted. Fourthly , it may be demanded , what we mull doe for our (clues in the timeofplague , famine, fword ? We muff put on Chrifi, then !ball we walks in fafetie in all dangers. This gar. ment(erues not onely for a couering oFour fhame,but allo for protalion. Ifa. 4.6. And ifwe be taken away in any common L fl 2 iude- theEpi/lle to thegaktti tni. Chap. 3. 26, I