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iudgenaent , beefing clothed with Chrif}, there is no tnore hnrt I done to vs then to him : and he carrieth vs inhis brief}, as ifwe were part ofhis bowells. Lathy , though webe clothed with Chrif} in baptifine, yet wemutt further delire tobe clothed vpon. .. Cor. 5. }. In this 5 lifeewe are clad with the iuflice ofChri(}, i:Cor. t..,0. this is one garment. In the life to come,we fhall be dad with immor- talitie. Thisis the fecond garment to bevpon the former. V28.Therezt neitherIewe nor Crccian,e'c. Thefewords(asI haue faid)containean anfwer to an obieelion,which is this: If to all beleeuers among the Gentiles be children ofGod , and all I put one Chrifl,then there is no difference betweepe Iewe and 1 Gentile,and theprerogatiueof the Iewe is nothing. Paul an. J Ewers thus : there be fundrie differences ofmen in re(peCt of'1 nation, condition, fexe: yet in rcfpe1of Chat , all are one. IS Moreouer,I haue fhewcd,that there words containe thegroitd ofthe Adoption of the Galatians , which is an vnion with Chrif},whereby all beleeuers are made one with him . There remaine other things to be added. By occationofthis text,two queflions aremooued,the an. 10 Ewer whereof,ferues much to cleare the meaning of Paul.The fir{} is,whether Magiflracie and gouernment be necef arie in the focieties ofCbrif}ians?Anf.Yea: Kings and Queens!hall 61 nourcin fathers andnorsrcingmothers to the Church of God, faith the prophet, Kai 49.2 3.Pau1bids vs praieforKings , and all in 15 authoritie,tbat me may lino in peaceandgodlines, t . Tim. 2.1.The fift commandement,Honour thyfather,&c. requires fubiefìioia to authoritic:and this commandement is eternal!. 0hiea.1. ill bcleeuers areone in Chrìfl:therefore there is no fubie&ionamong Chen. An/ Belecuers are vnder a twofold a 3s flate or regiment: the fir It ii,the Regiment of this world , in ci u1l1 focictie : the fecond is , the regiment or thekingdorneof heauen,which fl.:tnds iniuflice, peace ofconfcience, ioyinthe holy Gho>`I. In the firff ef}ate,there are fundrie differences ofperfons that beiecue : Come fathers and mothers, forne children, force, 35 maffers and feruants, force magifirates and fubieefs. In the fe. cond cf}ate , there are no outward differences ofnacn,but all are members ofChrifl,and all onein him. Thus mu-ft the text be vnderf}ood. Obiec`l. I1. ßcleeuers are gouerncd by Gods fpirit,and -___ there