the E i le iv the galatiant. Chap.3.1 269 therefore outward gouermraent by magidlrates is needle& Anfw.In the viable Church, hypocrites aremingled with true belceuers,and they are not gouerned byGods fpirit,but by the fpirit of the deuill: and therefore in ref-pal of them,ciuill au thoritie is requifite. Againe , truebeiecuers are but in part go- uerned by thefpirit,for the timeofthis life. And for this calk, ciuill gouernment is requilte,for theorderingofthe outward man,and for the proteEfion of.theChurch. Obiec1. Ill. They that are in ChriII, are freed rom fume, .10 and confeguently,frorrt fubicElion which followesvpon firme. Anfn'. StibieCtion is either politique, or feruile. Politicks is, when men arc firbieCt for their own good: and this was before the fall,yeildcd byEve to Adam.Seruile fubieEïion,whenthey are titbit for the goodoftheir mailers: and this onely comes 15 offinne.Againe,fubie&ion with bywas before the fall : fubie- .( (lion ioyned with paine and tuilerie, tollowes vpon firme:: Gen. 3. i 6. The fecondqueflionis,whether bondage,in which tome arc Lc ;ds,others bond- men,or flaues,may hand withChrit}r 2a an religion?flnfv.It may,in the countries where it is eflablilhed by pofitiue lawes, if it be vied with mercic and moderation. Righteons Abraham had in his owne houle, bondflaues:Gen. 17.13. God did permit the !ewes tobuy the children of the Canaanites,Leuit. a5.4.5.Pául faith , /fan), man becalledbeeing. 2,5 afirbietnt or bandman,let. him not Can' far it, I .Cor. 7. 2 i . ObieR. I. Benot /ìrtaantsafnen,t.Cor.7. 2..3. AnfThatis,.' in refpeaofconfcience,the fubiealon whereofmull betefer ued to God. O6ie51. I1. Chrillianshaue libertie by Chrih:and where 30 libertie is,there maybe no bondage. An/îv. Chrillians obtains by Chri(l fpirituall libertie in this life,and bodily !;berge in the hie tocome. Obieíi, I 1 T. Bondage is againfl the lawe ofnatt,re. Againh the lawof pure nature, created in innocencie, not a- 35 gainft the lawe of corrupt nature, the fruitewhereof is bon - dage. Obief. 1V: fl!!'aare one inChrifi: therelore the difference: ofbondemenand free-men mull ceafe. A></ AU areonein re- fperl ofthe inward man , or in refpcEl of faith and fellow (hip with:Chrih:but all are not one in refpeet oftheoutwa d:ma.n, L. l 3:. and