o Chap. 3. ACormxentarie vpon and in regardofciuill order. The tenfe then ofthe text is this. There arc diflinftions of men inrefpc&ofnation,fome Iewes,fome Gentiles:in rd eft ofcondition, fome bonde, fome free , fore rich,(ome poore, fome inauthoritie, fome infùbieftion, &c , in tepee} of fexe, fome men,fome women: yet in Chrift Iefus,all arc cuen as one 5 man. The vfe.By this text we may expound another, I .Tim.2. Godwouldbatse,c11men to befaced: that is,not all particular per- Ions vpon carth,but all kinds.For here Paul faith, all areone in Chrifl: that is, men of all nations, ofall conditions , and ofall 10 foxes. Againe,the name (7ewe) appofed to Gentiles, fignifcs not onely menofthe tribeof Iuda,but all circumcized perfons of all tribes, Rom. 2. 28. and thus it is all onewith an Ifraclite tf And thus we fee howe to expound the place offcripture,z. Chron.21.2. where Ichofaphat king of luda is called king of Ifrael. Thewords Iuda,and Ifael, are fometime oppofcd,la. da fignifying the kingdomeofthe two tribes, Iuda and Bcnia- min:and Ifraelfgnifying the i o. tribes . Sometimes againe, 20 they areSynonimaand are put one for another , as PIalm. r 14. tLand in this text . And luda at this time was indeed the true Ifrael ofGod,and Ichofaphat without any fault in the text (as fome fuppofe)is trucly called king ofIfrael. Thirdly, they which are ofgreat byrth andof heigh condi 25 clots, mutt bepnt inmind not tobe heigh minded, nor todif. pife them that areof lowe degree,for all are one in Chrilt : the -obfcureand bafe perfon bath as good part in Chriff, as the greatefl men that be. Thereforewemay not (well inpride for outward things. Thekingmu/1 net left vp his hart againft his bre 30 ehren. veut. 17. 2 0. richmen (faith Paul) mill not be high min- ded. r. Tim. 6. ry. Iob would not dcfpife the caufe of hisi handmaid.Iob. 31.5 3. Naaman a great man, refpcfled the counfell ofhis feruants. 2. King. 5.1 3. Fourthly, all beleeuers muff beon hart andmind. I. Cor. ;5 i. 10. In the kingdome of Chrilt the wolfe and the lamb dwell together. Ifai. z t. 6. And good reafon : for all arc on in 1 Chrift. And we haue great caufe to be humbled, when fchif- Ines, contentions , and differences arifeinpoints ofreligion. For that thewes that hypocrites are mingled with true belee- ucrs,