the Epif/h to the Galatians. Chap. 3 . 271 uers, and that weare but inpart (as yet) vnited to Chrifl. Laflly, hence we ]carne not to hate any man , but alwaies to curie in mind a purpofe to doe good to all by thought , word,anddeed, and to doe good to men in refpcl of their 5 names, their goods, their liues.And this wholy mind and Fur- pole, mutt alwaies beare Tway invs. there is Pro hint in the mount ofthe Lord. Ifni I 1.9. Men turne their (words & fpeares into mattocks & fithes,thatare ofthekingdomofChrifl. Hai, z. 4. becaule theyare one with Chrifi by the bondof on fpirit. 10 V. 29. And ifye beChrifts,then are ye Abrahams feedand heires by promife. Before, Paul had taught v. 7. 8. g. that all beleeuing gen- tiles were the children of Abraham, and not the Lewes only. Here he returnes to the fame point againe and prooues it by anew Argument, thus. Chrifl is the feedof Abraham v. 16. zo and all gentiles belecuing in Chri(l, are parts ofhim and one with him: therefore they alto are children of Abraham and heires ofall the bleflings ofGod. The intent of'Paul in thefewords, is to eflabliflh and cdn firme an argument which beforehe had vrged in this chapter 1,5 againfl patrons ofworker in the cafe of our iutlification : it aybe framed thus. As Abrahamwas iuflñed, to are ale they thatbeleeueinChri(l, inflified : for they are Abrahams chit. -. dren and fitcceed himv.z9.but Abrahamwas iuflified by faith without workes; therefore all belceuers inChrift are fo iuflifi- Let the Argument be obferued: for it makes aga¡an) nfa the 3o Papift, who, if he (ludic till his headand heart ake , !hall neuer anfwer it. In this verle,Paul lets down the fruit andbanefit,that comes by the gift ofadoption,to them that belecue. And that is, to be É childrenofAbraham , and heires of all the bleffings of God. 5 - And therefore learne here one golden lcfTon;namely,thatthe bafeft perfon that is ,ifhe beleeue in Chrifl¢ is in the place of Abraharn,and fucceeds him in the inheritance of the kingdom of heauen.Someman may fay;p this is excellent comfort, if r ¡might know that I were in thtcafe. ofAbrahani. An,fiv. Thou y5