z?a (Chap.;. ---. AC'orrlmentarie vpon maifl knów it certenly,ifthouwilt doe as Abraham did;namc. ly,follow the calling oGod,and obey the Gofpel;that is, fub- ial thy heart to the commandements ofGod , which b;dde thee repent,and belecue in Guilt: for then all the good things reuealcd in the Gofpcl,fhall be thine. The vfe. Beleeuers in this world muff be content with a- í ny eflate that God (hall lay upon them For they archeires with Abraham ofheauen and carth.In this regard, Abraham was content,to forfake his countric, and his Fathers houfc,and as a pilgrime to dwell in tents to the dcath,Heb. Secondly,theythat belecue in Chrill , mull moderate their worldly cares , and not liue as drudges ofthe world.For they are heires of God,and haue a title or right to all good things promifcd in thecouenant.Thercfore they (hall neuer want any good thing that is needful' for them. He that path made them is heires, will carefully prouide for them . Therefore ourcare mutt be , to doe the duties that belong vnto vs:and all other cares wemull call vpon God . They in thisworld , that are borne to land and liuing,are content to litre fparingly,and of- tentimes very barely with a little,vpon hope offurther inlarge- to ment,after thedeccafe of Tome friends. Lafily, our fpeciall care mull be for heauen. For the things ofthis world are but trifles in refpeft. Thecitic of God inhea- uen is thy portion, or childs part. Seeke for the afluranceof that about all things. Thusdid Abraham, Heb. r i. t ç,i 6. aS CHAP. IIII. .And I fay that the heire, as long ashe isa child, differeth nothing fro aferuant, thoughhebe Lord ofall. z But is Under tutors &gouernors till the time appointedof the father. ; Euenfowe,whenwe were chil- dren 3° 35