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the Epifitle to theGai tiaras. Chap,.. 273 dren,were inbondagevnder the ru- diments oftheworld. ,q,. But when the fulneffe of time was come , Godfens forthhis fonne madeofawoman , and made under ío the law, 5 That he might redeeme them that were under the lave, that we, 1.95 mightreceiue theadoption offonns. 6 Andbecaufe ye_arefonnes,God bath lent forth the fpiritofhis fonne 2° into your hearts,which crieth, Ab. ba, father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a 'S feruant,butaTonne : and ifthoube a fonne, thou art alto an heireofGod throughChrift. Hefe words depend on the former chap- ter,asan anfwer to anabication,whìch may be framed on thismanner. Paul thou faicit that the Lewes before Chrifk , werevnder the 35 y ' r'' law 44 vnder afchoolem fier, c.3. V.24. and that we arefreefrom., the %ame fchoolerme- 1?er, v. 25. Geeing childrenofgod, and issiret 4Chrifl, v. 29. but we forour parts thinks our felues feruants vnder the law,aswell as the ancient Iewes, and that theyare as well children ofGod,as we. To thisobieCtiot;,Paul makes an- Ná m g fwcr