274 Chap.+ 4Commentarie vpon fever in thefe 7. vetfes,as thc,very lirawords importe,And 1fey that is , whatfocuer you fuppofe, I fay thus. And thenhe pOunds the reafonof hisanf;ver, which may be framed thus. I the time of our bondagebe ended , and the full time of our lì. bertie come, then arc we formes and not feruants : but the time ofour bondage is ended, and the full time of our libertie is 5' come : therefore wearenot feruants but fonnes. The rimier isomitted,. becaufe it ismanifeft. The minor is in the fixe Hell mks : the ceercisiqon isexpreffed in the 7. verfe. Againe , thc minor, [the time of our bondageit ended, andthe ro time ofowlibertie it come] is fira ofall declared by a fimilitude, and thou conErmedeThe fimilitude is borrowed from the Ci. uill law ; and it maybe framed thus. Heires in their minoritie, hue in fubieCtion to Tutorsarid gouernours: but when they areofriper rams at the appointment oftheirparents, theyare /5 at theirownethertie.Euen fo,the people ofGod before Oa were in their infancie , wider the law as vnder a Tutor : but when the fulnes oftime was come,which Godhad appointed, they entred into the fruition of their libertie. The firfl part o the fimilitude is exprefred in the 2. firft verfes, and the fecond /6 in the ; .and 4. Againe , theminor is confirmedby two reafons. Thefir(' is this : Your hbertie isprocured by Chrifl: therefore the time o your bbertie iscome:This reafon is in. the4.and 5 .vet fes. The fecond reafon is taken from the figne,TORbane receitiedthe fpi z5 rit of adoption: therefore the timeof your libertie is come,v.6. Of thefepoints in order., Fira,wherehe fignigei,that the father bath authoritie to di. fpore ofhis child. This is the lawofnature , and the lawofna. lions. Paul faitt'i, Col.; . '2 o. that children runfl 064) thei, parent.: 30 in all ¡bilk:at. When the deuill had obtained hbertie to afin lob in ali this ehat belonged to him, Clue hisperfon; he deltoid his childrip. lob i.r.2. IS, And-this fhewes,that thechildren in refpc 41 of their bodies,are the goodsoftbeir parents,In this re- rota, the !eweswere permitted to fill their cbildrcn.Exod.2i. 3i 7. And ro facred a thingwas the authoritie of the parent , that he which rebelliously defpifed the fame,vvasput to death.Deu. 21.24. This authoritie fhewes itfelfelpecially intwo things: in the anarriaae,andin thecallingof the child. In the marriageof the chi1do