t o the Epfile te,the-G Chap. + child, theparent is the prineipall agent, and thedifpoter there- of. Denter.7. 3 .Exod. 34.16.1 .Cor.7. 38. Where Obkrue,that the commandement touching the marriageof thechild , is gi- ucnnot to the child,but to theparent : and the parent hathau- thoritic by the faide commaundement to giue and beflovvhis child, and to take wines tohis tonnes. Thus Abraham tooke a wife for Ifaac, and Ifaac (offered himfelfe to be clifpofed at the appointment ofhis father. Fora more full declarationof this authoritie, 'propound thefe threequeilions. The fiat is , whether the father may command his childe to marrie Anf. PtJuppofe two things ; one , that the comman- dment is without compulfion; the fccond , that the father knovves what is for the goodofthe child : then I anfvver,, that he may command his child to manic , and tomarrie a patois' thus or thus qualified. Thus Ifaac commanded Jacob to mar- rie in the honkofLaban,Gen. 28.1 ,z.and Jacobobaied,Now whether a father may commandhis child to marrie this or that perfon,Idoubt,and therefore futpend. The fecondqueflion is , whether parents may voidc the contra& fecretlymadchy their ehtldren,without or againft their content Anf: The lcripture giueth them authoritie ei- ther to ratifie filchcontras; or to make them void. Nu-m. o. 6. the father may make void thevow of the childpertaining to Gods worfhip: much more a matrimoniali promife. If a yong man cleflos,vrea maide, and this be found, in equine he is to be compelled tomarrie her, D-eut. 22. 28: yet by Gods law this maynot be,except the father content. Exod.21.17. The third quenion is , whether a marriage made without and againft the content of parents , be amarriageor no Ant: so It may be cancel a pohticke,or ciuill marriage , becaufe it is ra- tified in thecourts of men , according to humane /awes: ar, by this meaner the ifhue is freed from haflarche. Neuerthe"1'41;3;*. it is not a cinnneor fpirituall coniuntlion , or niarriaK,In,-;'" ought to be) becaufe it is flat againtt the commande "'s God. )fyrares,. Touching the callings of children , they are to 1,('f the old and appointed at the dífcretionof parents. For if th'ialnAczrncOef may order thevowe and the marriage ofthe child , th,,,are ma Imore the calling. 2 5 and per- Here takenotice of the impietie of the Ronan tames Mm z