Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Chap. r. ACommentarie vpon Againe , here is fet downe the right mannerofdifpenfing the word , which mull not be for the pleating of amen, but of God. Hence it appeares , that Miniflurs of the Gofpel , mutt not be men platers, nor applie,and fa(hion their dot-trine to the affections, humours, and difpofitionsofinen, but keepe a 'g good confcience, and doe their office. The Lord tells Icremie he muff not turne re the people, but thepeople rmig turne to hirer, Icrem. t S. t 9.Thus GodThal be with them,and they fhdl bring forth much fruit. And the people mull know it tobe a good thing for them, t'Q not to be pleated alwaies by their Minifllrs. Theminiflerie of the word mull be as a facrificing knìfe,to kill a, d mortifie the old Adam in vs,that we may huevnto God. A ficke manmull not alwaies haue his minde, but he mull often be crof ed,and rdffrainedof his defire : and fo muff we that areficke in our ; foules in refpet1of our finnes. It is a fault thereforeofmen that defire to be pleated, & to haue matters fmoothed ouer of their teachers. This is Dauids balme , which he wifheth may neuer be wanting to hishcad.Pfal. 41.5. t.s Theende of this vcrfe Pets downe a memorable fentence, 20 That if we feeke to pleafe men, we cannot be the feruants of God. HenceI gather , that our nature is full of rebellion, and enmitie againft God; becaufe they which pleafemen, cannot pleafe God. AgaineAcre is let downe what is the hurt that comes by pride,and ambition. It kcepes men that they cannot 25 be the feruants ofChrifl. ?'e beleeae not (faith Chrift)6ecaafeye feekeglorieone ofanother.Ioh.5.44. Ambition fo fills theminde withvanitie , and the heart with worldlydefires, that it cannot thinke,or defire to pleafe God. Whereforehe that would bea faithfull Minifter ofthe Gofpel, muff denk the pride of his 3o heart, and beemptiedof ambition,and let himfclfc wholly to feeke the glorie of God in his calling. And generalìv,he that wouldbe a faithfull feruant ofChrifl,mull fet Godbefore him as a Iudge,and confiderthat he bath to dealewith God : and he muff turnehis minde,and fentes from the world, and all things 35 therein, to God : and feckeabout all things to approouehis thoughts,defires,affeíbions,and all his doings vnto him. Lay, the profeflion of the feruantof God, is here to be obfcrued in the exampleof Paul,who faith , Doe blowpreach wren? andr doe IJetpleafe men ? as ifhe I$ad Gid, Ibane done thus