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the E le ta theÇalatians. Chap.t. Thirdly,it is obicEled , that they which are lawfully ,called, are ordained by them, whofcauncetours haue bene fuccefhue. ly ordainedby the Apofiles. I anfwcr : Succellion is threefold. The firfl is,ofperfons anddoElrine ioyntly together : and this S was in the Piimitiue Church. The fecond is,ofperfonsalone, and this maybe among infidels, and heretikes. The third is, of dotlrine alone. And thus our Miniflors fuccecde the Apoflles. And this is fuñcient. For this Rulemutt be rernembred , that the Power ofthe keyes, that is, oforder and iurifdiaion,is tied to byGod and annexed in the newTeflament to doctrine. If in Turkie,or America,or els where, the Gofpel fhould be recei- uedofmen,by the counfell and perfwafionofprivate perfons, they 1hall not needs to fend intoEurope for confecrated Mi- niflcrs, but they haue power to choofe their owne Miniflcrs i 5 fromwithin themfelues : becaufewhere God glues theword, he glues the power allo. Touching the Succetfours of the firf} preachers, their cal- ling was altogether ordinarie, and they were ordainedoftheir anfwcr thusrAll is c corrupt. aions Eclefianicll, tha t ende tobin to ding or looting , appertaine properly to the perfon of Chrifl, and men arcbut miniflers,and inliruments thereof. And therefore to call men to the miniticrieanddifpenfation of the Gofpcl, belongs to Chrifl, who alone giueth thepower, the will , the :5 dcede. And the Church can doe no more but tellifne, publiíh, and declare whome God talleth, by Examinationof parties for life and doElrine, byElation , and by ordination. This is for fubftanceall that the Church can doe : and all this isallow- ed,and prefcribed by the lawes of this Church, and land. And '5,m n therefore our callings for their fubnance are diuine, whatfoe- uer defeas there be otherwife. This aflurance that our callings are ofGod, is of reat vfe. It makes the Minifier tomake a confciencc of his du-tie : it is his comfort in trouble. Ifa.49.2. z.Cor. 2. a 5. And to the Ilea- , 5 rers it is ameanes ofgreat reuerence,and obedience. TL For neither receiued I it of man , neitherwas I taught it, but by the reuelation of IefusChriit,; E 2 The 3F