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Chap. "r. AComme>vrarieupon phet, norfenneof aProphet , hit the Lord font me toprophecie to lirael. Amos 7.14. The thirdpoint is, that Theywhich arc tobe teachers muff firfi be taught ; and they mull teach that which they have firft learned themfelues. 2.Tin;.3. 14.66rdein the things which thou haft learned, Chrift taught, that whichhe heard of the father; the Apollles that which they heardofChrill : ordinarie mini- flers that which they haue learned of the Apoflies. This is the right Tradition : and if it be obferued without addition or de- traEfion, the Gofpel than remaine in his integritie. Here our Auncetoursare greatly to be blamed, who haue not contented themfelues with that which they haue learned of the Apof les, but haue deliuered things of their owne which they were ne- uer taught. Hence (prang vnwritten traditions , and the cor- ruptionof religion. A gaine , inch are here to be blamed, that take upon them to be teachers of the Gofpel , and were neuer taught by reuelation , or byanyordinarie way. Thirdly, pri- uate perlons are much more tobe blamed,that broth and deli- uer fuck doftrines,and opinions,asthey themfelues neuer lear- ned by anyminiflery.For teachers themfeluesmull firfl (carne, and then teach. The fourth point is , that they which are to be teachers are fiat to be taught , and that by men , where reuelation is wan- ting. This kind of teaching is the foundation of the fchoole of the Prophets , and it bath bin from the beginning. The Patri- arkes till Moles were Prophets in their families, & they taught not onely their families ingenerali , but alto their firfl borne, that they might fucceede as Prophetsafìer them. There were 48. cities of the Leuites difperfcd through all the tribes, where not oncly the people were taught , but alto fchooles creeted that they might be taughtihichwere to be Priefls and Le- uites, Num. 37. One title among the ref} is called Cireath fe- phar,Tofu. t S. t S. that is, the titleofIooke,t, or as we fay, theVitt. werfrtie. Samuel a yongmanwas font to the Tabernacle in Shi- lo,to be taught, and trained vpof Eli the Priefl. Samuel when he was iudge of Ifraei ereEtedColledges ofProphets, and ru- led them himfclfe. 1. Sam. t o. In thedecaied eflate of the ten tribes,Elias and Elizeus let vp fchoolcs oftheProphets in Bc thei,Carmel, &c. and theyong fludentswere called theformes ofthe Prophets. 2.king.2.3. Chrifl himfelfe bcfde the fermons made to 15 20 25 30 35