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46 Chap. t. i ALbnrrnentgrie vpon And let thePapif1s confider this. 15. But when it pleafed God (which had feperated me from my mothers wombe , and called meby hisgrace.) li 6. To reueale hisfonne inme(or to me) that I .fhould preach him a- mong the Gentiles , immediately I communicated not with flefh and blood. 17. Neither came I to Hierufa- lem, to them which were Apoftles before me, but I went into Arabia, and turned againe to Damafcus. Paul beforeprooued,that he learned not the Gofpcll ofany 2 5 man before his conuerfion : here he further prooucs, that he karned it ofno man after his conuerfiona. And thefubilance of his reafon;is this,bccaufe immediately vpon his conucrfìon,he conferred with no man;but went , and preached in Arabia,and Damafcus. In the words I confider foure things.FirfI,the caules ofPauls conucrfion.Andhere hefits clown three degrees ofcaufes,de- pending one vpon another. The fira is , thegoodpleafure of God,whcreby he lothwhatfoeucr hewill , inheauen,& earth, inthrfe words[when itplMed.] The fecond, is, his feperation from thewombe:which is anaEle ofGods counlcll , whereby lie fctsmen apart to be members of Chrifi , and tobe his fer- uants,in this,or that office.This feperation is laid to befrom the wombe;not becaufe it began then,for it was appointedby God beforeall times,cucnfrom etcrnitic,as all his counfels arc.But the Io r 20 3® 3>