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the Bpi¡f/etoths..Galatians. Chap. tJ pifflebeginner with his ownecalling,I gather,that euerymini- fIerof the Gofpell ought to haue a good and lawefull calling, I Aman cannot preach eanleffe he beyens. Chrift tookc not unto him the officeof a Mediatour till he wascalled and fent of the 5 Father.Therefore theopinion of theAnabaptill is foolifh and phantafticall,who thinke that eucry man may preach that will without any fpeciali calling . They allcadge that the hcufe of t.cecxó.rS. Stephanasordaine tbemfelues to theMiniftcrie ofthe Slints. An, ' ? « «n. fiver,thcmeaningeftheplace is not that they called thcnjíelues, . o but that they let themielues apart to the miniflerie of the Saints,inthe purpofe and refolution of their ots'ne hearts.A- gaine they allcadge , that all Chritlrans in the newtTeflarnent areKings rind ¶riefis,and the officeofthe prieft is to teach.I an- AP's' fwer,all are priefls in that they are to offerthcmfclues in facri- . ;tt 5 lice toGod:and to teach privatelywithin their places and cal. f lings,as the mailer his feruants, the father his children, &c, and tomake a confefrion of their faith, when they are called fo to doe.Thirdly,thcy allcadgc,that the powerof thekeies is giuen to the Church.I anfwer,it is indeed; yet foas the vie and admi 20 niftration thereof belongs to the Miniflers alone, in the difpé- fation ofthe word. Sccondly,whereas Paul faith (not ofinen bits ofChri.)I ga- ther that euery lasvefull calling is ofGod,and not ofmen as au- thors thereof:and that the Right to call belongs to God. The Math.9.3$. 2 father thrutls forth labourers into the vine yard:theTonne tuts Fph.. .n. gnats Pallorsand teachers:the HolyGboil makes ouerfeers. ?t may be alleadgeci that the Church hath :authoritie to call and or- daineminiilers.. I anfwer, that theChurches authoritie is no more but a míniflerie or feruice , wvherebv it doeth teflific, de 3o clare,andapprooue vvhomeGod bath called. Thirdly,whereas Paul thus proclaimes his calling, (Paulan Apoi/le of!efu (brill)1 gather that the callings oftheMinillers oftheGofpell mutt be nianifeft to their owne confciences, and the confciences of their hearers. And that for diners weightie 35 caufes.Ftrfl,theyare imbafThdours,inflruments,and the mouth 'ofGod : and for this caufe they arc to ipeake in the naiveof God,and this they cannot doe,vnleffc theyknowe thernfelucs tobe called . Secondly, that the calling oftheMinitleric may tend to- edification there is required theafsiflance o!' Gods fpi- 'eit in the teacher, the proteEtion ofhimand bis minifterie, the ----_ A 2, eite- i