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the EpiUizto.tfe Gaf,atiaxí. Chap.x ( better then land andLuinà J ( Third) y , it apperes hence gnat the time of all cuentes is determined in the counfell of God . For God determines with hiwfelfc the time in which hewill call, and c muertPaul. By this wearc taught, inour praiers not to limit God to any 5 time for theaccóplilhment of our requefts:for thedifpofition of time is his, and that is to be left to his wifdome Againe, in' ourafiaionsand temptations, we may not make halt, for heipe and deliuerancebefore the time, but Waite the lealùre of God, who bath decreede the timeofdeliuerance. fie that 6e- leetres mak. s,whaf. Ifui.28.I6.Habacuk muff waite 6ceatafe the vifron is for a thole appointed. Bab. 2. i. Dauids eyes and ftrength failed inwanting en God. Pfal 69. 3. Daniel wanes on God. 70. ycares, and thenpraies fordeliuerance out of capti- uitie the timebecing expired . This ferues to difcouer th 5 wickednes ofthem, that becing in any kind of miferie, cannot flaie the leafure ofGod till he deliuer them by good meanes, but theywill haue prefent remedie, though it be from the dc- uill : and ifhelpecannot be had when they defire,they prefent- ly make away thcmfelues. The fecondpoint is, theForme ofthecalling,or conuerfion ofPaul in thefe wordes [to rende hisfonneinme] that is,to teach me thedo£trine ofthe redemption of mankind by the forme Iefus Chrift. Here I confider, to whorue reuclation is made? and how? 25 For the firft,reuclationofthe forme is made to cruel] , and perfequuting Paul, a defperate (inner. Hence curry man can gather, that God hath mercy for great , and notorious offen- ders, as for Paul, and fuch like : and thecolleaion is good.For Godis muchinfparing Ifai, ff. 7. And yet here it mutt be re. 3° membred, that all defperate offenders, fhall not finde mercie; vnleffe theybegreat in their repentance as God is great in mercy. For Gods mercybath a doubleeffea in vs, one is, remifíion of finne, by the imputatonofthe merit ofaria: the other , the mortification oforiginal) finne, by his efficaeie. And thefe two 35 be infeperable, as we fee in Paul , on whome God (hewed I great mercie, whole repentance allowas notable. As the wo- man Iohn. 7. badman),frnesforgiven her,foflee loanedmuch . b¢7. By this we fee thegreat, and common abufe of the mercy (olGod. Mencuerywhere prefumevpon thegreatnes ofgods -- Y metric