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52. Chap. cifCommenttwit non !aim theewithout thee. The third queflion is , whether God did offer any vio fence to Pauls miede andwill , in his conuerfion ? flnfvwer, There is a double violence, or Coaelion, One , which dóth a- bolifh all confent ofwill;and this hevied not. Theother, draws 5 out a confcnt from the will,by caufing it ofan vnwilling will, to become willing.This coaetion or violence , God offered to Paul,and in this fenfe,they which come to Chrifl, are laid to be drawne,loh.6.44 The fourth queflionis,whercin (brides the efficacie of the to. preuenting grace , whereby Paul was effeeluallyconuerted? .i fw.TheCouncell of Trent , and fundrie Papiffs , incline to this opinion,to thinke that it ¡lands án the taunt , in that the will of man applies it felfe to. the grace which God offereth. But then the efficacie ofgrace mull be from mans will : and then i 5; man bath fomething , whereof to boafl , and he is to thanke himfelfe for the graceofGod.Other Papills place the cfficacic of grace,in the congruitie , oraptneffe ofmotions,or heaucniy perfwafös,prefented to the mindofthe mi that is to be cöuer_ ted But this opinion allo, is deuoid oftrueth. For there is no 20 efficacie in any motions,or perfwaíions, till there be a change, and newe creationof the will.The trueanfwer is this,Outward, meanes areeffeeluall, becaufe they are ioyned with the inward operationof the fpirit.lnward grace is dive -wall: becaufe God addes to thefirflgrace, thefecond grace. For hauing'giuenthe 25 power to beleeue , and repent, he gives allo the will and the deede:and then faith and repentance mull needs followe . And herein Elands the efficacieofthe firff grace,that.G od addes ve- to it.andworker thewilland thedeede,Phil. 2. r 3. The lall queflion is, whether it was in the power of Pants 3o will,to refill the calling, or the grace of God? Anfm. Thewill for his condition isapt to refill grace:neuertheleffe,ifwecon- fider the efficacie ofGodsgrace,and the will ofGod , he could not refill the calling of God . Emery one that bath heard and learnedofthe father, comes to Chad, Ioh,6,45.Gods will de- 3' termines and limits the will ofman:andmans will is an inflru- mentto efi'e(1 thewill ofgod.It may be here demanded, howe the erficacic of grace,may (land with the libertic ofmans will,if it haue not libertie,to accept or rcfufc the grace ofGod?Anf Libertieand freedome of will in God,is perfect libertie: nowe God