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tbeEpp:. the Galati410. Chap.6. 563 rit,fliallof the fpirit reape life euer, laftinb er. 3. HereSaint Paul fpecifieth that in particular, whichbefore, he had deliuered in general!» vz.. what he meant byforing,and, relivg. And this he dothby adifiribution,or enumeration of the kindes of(owing, ancl.reapin,g1 flievving, thatthere are two forts offedswhich men low in this lifè;good and mill . Two io kindscaowers,fpirituall men,and curtail men. Two forts of ground,inwhich this feede is fowne; the flefh,and the fpirit. Two forts ofharnells ,which men arc to reapc according to the feede corruption, and life.: as Paul faith, Ifye line after theflegt , ye Aall die : but ifyemortt6e the cledet tithe bodie, 5 thi Ipirit, Adllkw: Rom. 8.1 3. Thefe two forts ofhatuens beeing anfwerable to the(cede : corruptionand death, beeing, the lumen of the {Cede fol,vne to the liar hie and immorta- 1itie, ofthat tó the (pink; raci4v4t the liereticke, and author ofthe fell or the encr", 20 tire4rloth gather from this and the like places, that marriage is in it felfe fimply euill,becaufe it is á fowing to the flefh.To him we may adioyoe the Popes bonne& Syricipm who reafoneth afterthe fame manner , to prooue that Prictles ought not to marrie,becaure(faith he) they that are i.e :hflei7 cagnot pleale 5 Goeatom.8.8.wherehe condemneth all marriages as vticicane both inthe Clearitie,and the Laitie.Diflint7.8.z.(Vnderftan. ding,as though Paul fhould fpeake properly offeedandofthe ) But whrthelywas Tacianur hisopinion confuted,and he condemned for an hereticke: for the Apollle fpeakethnot of 30 theworkes ofnaturc,but ofcorrupt nature whichouerturnetk the divine order which God fit in nature,in thecreatton. Be- fides,the Apolir)like writer faith , that marrtle tt honourable MON" 411oreN;(not the firft onely,but alto the tecond,thiid, &c. and amongCleargie men,as Well as others:) and therefore the 3 ' marriage bed bceing wuiefilAthat is,beeing vied in holy man rter,is no fowing to the flea) , but to the fpirit, as POpiil ado a in curniment. (fours, areenforced to confeffe.Latily ,Paul faith not He' Iimt hu,nc loom° fenreih tà thefielh,AallOftheArb'iyape corruption: but,he tbatlà.. ¡verb le hie fle17,.d.o. Now no man (except hebe worfe then a bruit beaft)doth abufe hinaftlfe by revving tohis owne flefh, E