'564 Chap.6. ACommes arie vpon {as lerorne faith vpon this place.) Others, by lowing to the flefh andfpirit,vnrdcrftand thc followingafter the fruites ofthe flcfh andofthe fpirit , mentioned in the former chapter,verC tq 2.But this cxpofition cannot Hand in this placc;becaufe the illatiúeparticic(for)in the beginning ofthevcrfe, fhcweth 5 euidently,that thole wordcs dependvpon thc hormonesan ex- on or expofition thereofwhere Paul (pake not generallyof ail,but particularly of thole workcs which (crue directly tovp. ,hold the minifterie. By lowing to the ficfh therefore the Apoflle mcaneth no- t o -thing elfe,but to liue in the flcfh,towalke in it,to take pleafure in it,to followe thedefires of it, and to fulfill the lulls thereof. Moreplaincly;it is wholly to glue and add. a mans fclfc, to the pleafures,profits,honours,and prefermentsof this life, and to fpendhimfclfe,his ftrength,andwit, in compaflìng ofthem, s i hauinglittle or no refpcc of the lifetocome,howehemay compafCe the rich purchaffe oldiekingdom of heater:: which who fodoeth,fhall reape nothing at the haruef, but corrupti- :that is,fliall haue for his reward, eternal! death, vnderflan- ding by corruption , the corruptionof good qualities,not of 20 thefubilance.On the contrary,to lowa to the fpirit,is to hue in the fpitit,and towalke according to the fpirit, and to mortifie thedeeds ofthe by the fpirit, & to doe thole things;which otherwife wewould neuer doe, if -we were not mooned and 1 leddeby the fpirit,as to bellowsa mans goods, his labotar,and , 25 trauell,his flrength, his wit , and all , in Chofe things that may 1 further true religion and.pi.etie, with relation to eternal! life: i which whofoeuer doth,fhall reape life euerlafhing, as a ion re- compenceOfhis worke, according to the merciful! promife ofGod. 30 Here fundrie obieEions are to be anfwered,for the clearing Cz&minus in ofthis text. Firfl, the papihls reafon thus, VVorkes are feeder: ver.w.nhe- manGin v. Q. ut feeds are the proper caufe of the fruite : therefore good Betïar.de tu- worksare the proper caufe ofeternal) life,& not faithonly:So á`Et`b' "p'3' that asthere is .a, hidden verme in the feede,2obring forth fruit: 3; fo isthere a dignitie ingood workes , tomerit eternal! life.An/. I Firhl,as in a parable,fo in a hituihtude,whatfoeuer is bcfldc the fcope and drift thereof, (as this their difpute is)prooueth no- thinn.The (copeof the frmilitude is this , that as he which fo. weth wheatc,fhall reape wheate:fohe that fowcth to the fpirit, l:A