the Epsflle to the Glatiant. Chap.6. (hall o(the fpirit reape life cuerlafting; and ache that foweth tares, (hall reape nothing but tares : fohe that foweth to the $clh,the turfed (cedesofa wicked hfe , (hall of the Beth reape nothing but corruption : and as he that foweth plentifullyei- therof thcfe, (hall reape a plentiful' harueft of either of them: fo he that (owes the (cede ofagodly,or wicked hfe,in plentiful! manner, fhall reape a plentifull increafe,either of mi(eric;or fe- lícitie. When the Papifls therefore reafon thus : Seedes arc the caufe of the fruit, and baue in them a hidden vertue, whereby to they grow,and bring forth fruit : therefore goodworks arc the proper caufe of hfe,and haue a dignitie and excellency in them, whereby they are worthie ofcm-nail rife : they mifí'e of the drift, and intent of the Apoflle, and foconclude nothing. Be- tides , this their colleflion, and difcourfe, is contrarie to their z S own doarine. For they teach that good works arc meritorious bymerit ofcondignitie:whichmay be vnderflood 3 waies,either in regardofthe dignitie ofthe worke alone ; or in regard of the promife of God alone, andhis diuine acceptation: or part. ly in regard of thedignitic,and excellencieof the worke; partly .ao ! in regard of thepromifeof God. Now albeit tome of them hold, that good workes doe merit in refpeEt onely of Gods promife, and merciful! acceptation, as Scotia, Arinñinenfs, Du- randcu, Vega, Bunderiu3,Cofler,and the like : others, in refpea partly of their owne worthines , partly ofGods promife,and 25 acceptance,as Bonazenture,Biel,`Driedo,(1ingim,lanfenitu,Be1- hwmine, &c. it becing thecommon received opinion among the Schoolemen asBinifeldiu+witneffeth:) yet none of them (excepting onely Caietan) affirme that they are meritorious onelyinregardofthe dignitie ofrhe rrorI e: which notwithflan-' 3o ílanding the Rhemifts,and others,labour toprooneout ofthis fimilitude, vrging the analogie betwixt fide andgood worker, contrarie to the current and fireame oftheir owne DoE}ours. Thirdly, I anfwer that goodworkes are feedes, yet faith is the roote ofthefe (cedes : and in that good workes are made the 3 ç fcedes of eternal! life , it is to be afcribed to Gods merciful! promife, not to the merit of theworke : for in that we, or our workes, are worthieof the !call bleflïng, it is more of Gods 1, vnercic, thenour merit. Fourthly the ApofileChewed-1 onely who they arc that fhall inherit eternal! life ; and the order how We is attained: but not the caule, wherefore it is giuen . It will O000 r be