fl Comrnetatarie qv) lie faid,not onely theorder, but the caul? is fct downe,as it may appearc by the antitheft: for as Cowing to the Lie-11,, is the caufe of deftrt:diora , fo Cowing to_the fpirit, is the caufe ofeternal! life. Alf It is true in the one, but not in the other. For firf}, fumes or workes of the flefh,areperfeEtly cuill,as beefing abfo. S lute breaches of the law, and deferue infinite punifhment, be caufe they offend an infinite maieflie : whereas workes of the'' fpirit,arc imperfeellygood, hauing in them wants, and imper. fe:tions, (there beefing in curry goodworke a finneof omifli.j on) ,comming thort of that perfe Lion that is required in the to i law : they beeinggocd,andperfth, as they proceede from the fpirit ofGod; ímperfeft, and vicious, as they come fromvs. E. uen as water is pure, as it proceedcs from the fòuntainc : but troubled,as it runneth through a filthie channel!; or atsthe wri. ling is irnperfe5ìand fauiLie S it Cornes from theyang learner, cp butperfeEt, and abfolute, as it proceedeth from the fcriuener, which gutdcth his hand. So that if God (letting afide mercie) fhould trio them by the touchflone of the word , they would- be found tobe but counterfet. And if he fhould waigh them in the balance of his iuftice,they would be found tso light. Se- zo condly, there is a maine difference betwixt the workes of the flefh, and theworks of the fpirit, in this verypoint; in that the workes ofthe flcfh,areour owne workes,and not the works of God in vs : and fo we defrruc eternall death,by reafon ofthem, theybeeingour owne wicked workes : whereasgoodworkes 22 proceede not from vs.properly,feeingwearenotfufficient ofour felnes to thiní a any [good];thing as ofosnrfeines,'z. Cor. 3.5. but from the fpirit ofGod , who worketh invs both the will and thedeede ; and are hisworks invs: therefore beeingnot ours, we can merit nothing by them at thehands of God: Thirdly, 3o obferue that it isnot laid, he that foweth to the fpirit /hall of that which he bath forme reapeIf euerlafíing,but, (hall of the /pi-. vit reape life amp-fa/Ng. Where we fee the Apofile attributes nothing to our workes, but to the grace of Gods fpirit. Laffly, Rom. 6.23. the holy Ghoft putteth manifcfl difference. be- 3S tweene the works ofthe flefh,&ofthe fpirit, in refpeít ofme- rit, whenhe faith, Thewages.oFflame is death: 6stt eternall life it thegift ofçoal. He faith not , that eternalflife is-thereward of goodworkes,but thee ofGod: now in the reward of finne, . there is merit prefuppofed: in the,gift-of eternal! life, nothing bus,