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the Epifile to tits Galatians. Chap.6. , 567 but grace, and fauour. Obied. I I. God giuetheternall life according to the mea- furc andproportion of theworke. v.7.4samanfòweth,fo!hall he reape. 2.Cor.9.6. He thatfewethfparingly (haIl reapefparingy, andhe thatfoweth üderaliy, (hall reape liberal/y. i .Cor. 3.8.query one !hall receiue his proper wages according to his owne labour. Therefore ingluing eternal) life,he hathno refpeet ofthe pro. mile or compat,butof the dignitie andcfficacieof theworke. 1Anf. Fulne_s of glorie, calledby Schoolemen effentiallglorie, is o giuenonely for the meritsofChrift,in the riches ofGads mer- cie,without all reape&of workes. Accidentallglorie,(whenone hath a greater meafureofglorie,an other a lefiè,as whenveflels of vnequall duantitie calf into the Pea , areall filled, yet fome haue a greatermeafìtre ofwater,fomea leiTe)is giuen,not with- e5 out refpeEt ofworks : yet fo asthat it is not giuen for workes, but according to workes, they beeing infallible teflimonies of their vnfained faith in the merits ofChrift. If it be Paid , that e- ternall life is giuen as a reward,meritorioufly defcruedby good . works, becaufe it is faid,Comeye ble f fed:for Iwas hungrie, andye 2e gauememeate.Matth.25.I anfwer, it isone thing to be iuft ,an other thing tobe declared and knowne to be iuft. We are iuft by faith, but we are knowne to be iuft by our works: therefore men 11ial1 be fudged at the Taft day, notby their faith, but by their workes. For the laft iudgemcnt feruethnot to makemen 2.5 lull that arc vniufl,which is done by faith,but to manifeft them to the world what they arc in decde, which is done byworkcs. Men are often compared to trees inScripture. Nowa tree is rfat.r.;. not knownewhat it is,by hisfappe,but byhis fruit : neither are menknowne to be iuft by their faith, but by their workcs. In- a deede a tree is therefore gaod,becaufe hisfappe is good : but it is knowne tobe good,by hisfruit. So, a man is iufl,becaufeof his faith, but he is knowne tohelot}by his goodworks: there- fore Peeing that the!aft judgement mull proceede according to euidence that is vpon record (for thedocker mugbe opened, and 35 men mußbe iudedof thofe things, that are written in the booker} all mull be fudged by their workes , whicharc cuident and ap- parent to the viewofall men, and not by their faith, which is not expofed to the fight ofaciy. And hence it is that the Scrip- turefaith, we mall be iudgrdaccording to our trorkes,but it is no where Paid, for ourgood workes. Gregorie faith, Go1willgiue to 0 o o 0 2 euer,