Perkins - BS2685 P37 1604

Y 68. In P1al.r4:. Reddendum cnicp fecunda cpra, téd ali- , ud e ttecuu iû. ;Iliad propcer ; -optr'a red,lerc. Chap.6, AComrttsentarievpou i ester one according tohis workei : but it is one thing tegisue actor. ding to »orkeJ, an "other thin, fornor,et. For works are noway the caufe of reward; but onely the common meafure, accor- dtngto.whichGod 7iueth a greater or Lefler reward. Take this refemblance. A Kingprornifeth vnequal rewards to runners,. 5 (die 'call of which would equal' theriches ofakingdorne vp oncondition, that, he which fief} commeth to the goale, than haue the greateft reward ; the fecond the next, and to in order. They hauingfinifhed their race , the King gineth them the re- ward:accordtng to their running. Whowouldhence but chit z dt(hiy inferre, that therefore they merited this reward by their. running? And whereas theyvrge that text, Idlatth. 2 5.(orneye blejjed - -, for 1wat hungrie, andyee fedde me: I anfwer,.firfl, that theword[ forjdoth not alway lignifie a caule , but any argu- ment or reafon take': from any Topick place: as-Rònt..3. zz; z 3. t 5; The righteournet ofgod i.i ?made roanifefvrtto all andvpánallthat beleeue. For there is no ¿iferéce. for stllhaue fnred,d. arcdeprived. ofrheglorie ofGod. Where (hole is no caufe of the righteoufnes, offaith, but onelyan antecedent, or adiunR , common to all men. Sowhen we fay,This ti the truemother ofthe child, forAce 2Q willnot haue it diuided. There.[ 6r1çjoth not itnplie wecaufe, as, though her refuting to haue it diuided,did nukeher the true mother ofit: but onely the figne,that fitce was the true mother indeed.Secondly,be it.granted that-it implietl:.the caufe,yetnot the meritot ious.caufe for good workesare Paid to be caufes of z.5 eternall life, not as meriting,procuring,or defcruing any thing at the hands of God,butas they are.the kings high-way-:to eter.- nall life, God hauin 9 prepared roodworks, that.we fhould walke in.them. Ifa Kingpromífe his. fubieft a treafure hid in thetopp of a fleepe andhigh.mountaine, upon condition that 39 he clime anddiggeit out: his c.i:min,, and digging, is.tht effici- ent caufe of enioaingthe treafure, but no meritorious caufe:of obtaining it feting it was freely. giucn. 'fit be further -laid, that the word [for],doth here lignifie the caufc:, as .wcllas in the words following,Goeyecurfed., for lwashungrieandyegaateme 3 nomeat : feeingour Sauiour.Chriflfpeaketh after the fametnâ, ner of the rewardof the godly, and punifhment.ofthewicked. I:anf. The paritieof the reafon,.flands in this; that as by-.good works wecome to eternal' life , fo' by wickedw.orks., we runne eit llon .to pes,ditiota.The. daffitell itode-is.this,tlrat cuilwo.rks aa