theEpi,Ile le the qalatrata. Chap.6. 569 arenot onely the way,but alfo the carafe ofdeath:good worket are the way , but not the caufe , 3S, Bernard faith, they arc v.'4, i repi, P0-0/1 cotifàrtgnandi. 0bit51. I I I. Here God promireth iternall life to good 5. workes:therefore good works merireternall life..e...4r2hri.1.11cre is a double couenant,Leg4and Esmn,,ereacagin the legal/ coRe- trant,The promile of eternal' life is made untowork-es. 1.)cc this andhue.lftha3 will enter into life, kfe.pc the cammartdcmcms. But thusno man can merit,becaule none can fulfill the lawe,,In the to Ettativkallcottolant,thepromire is not made to the woike,but to the-worker,and to the worker,not for die Merit of ins work; but for the merit of Chriftas Apoc.. 2.. 2 o."-Befairbf;$11 zotto the end,and I trillgittellw the era tvne ofIiirr,the protrii fe is no made to fidelitie,but to the faithful' perfon,,whole fidelitie isafigne v5. that he isin Chrifi in rphome all the premifer of Godareyea, an4 2,,cor.t.i.o. iimen,that is moll certaine and infallible.Second-ly,ifany.thiniz be due to-worlcs-,it ismorofdie merit of the workr,butof g,o c17, merciful! promiCe.A.1,cmigine faith , God mode boxfcIle a debier, . In T fal. p.Non not 67 owing any thing2'bitt bypromi,fing. Thirdly , no remirci is debendo,fed 1-C) due to workes ofregeneration , vpon compaü and prornife: rdr:t:jntiend6,.. flrfl,becaure wearc notAtoder the couenanrof works in w-li'k h debt-t.:::: God-.dotli cournantvviilLysvpon condition oFour obedience: but limier- the couenant of race, the tenons. of vs, Inch cote ...i nant runneth vpon condition of the meritsofClnirt appre. 25 hended by faith.Secondly,thoughwe were codcrib::legall co,' uttlant, yet we merit not,becaufe our workesare not anfwera - hie to the lawe.Laftly,vvheras the pillars of the Romifh-church ! teach,that theprornife made vpon condition ofperforrning."'"'s'}' the worke,maketh the performer to merit , is very falfe.This is 3,P not fufficient to make ameritorious worke : it is further requi- red,tharrhe workebe anfwer ableand -correfpkindent in worth .' and value, to the reward: as ifone (hall promife.a thoufand crowns to-him that will fetch a little water-out of the next well; it is debt indeed in the promiler,but no merit in the rerrornier;:i. 35 becaufe there is noproportionbetweene the worke. and thcri reward. I Oáiet7. ¡V. the fpirit,:ita goad worke, and reapingeternall life,the reward :but reward prefuppofcrITme, merit:therefore lowing to the 1pirit, doth merit eternal! life.. e..iinf.T.41entis axioublerevvard,Oneoffimotrr,another of debt; Gooo, 3, -----R----ra., _