57o Chap.6. c.4Commentarievpon 110t11.4 4.Tobim that worke,th,the wage.ris not coanteoi byfauotiri pt.% e xx-i but 67 debt. So faith Ambrofe, There ifonerewardof liberal:tie, xy. _ ,andfa:tour:another reward, which istheflipend ofvertue,andre- compance °four Worn.. Therefore riwardfignifieth generally a... Epilt.hb.. Alia earner- , ny recompencc, or any gift that is bellowedvpon another, tes liberalga- 1 whether it be more or lefle,wbether anfwerable to the worke . cis acg-acir: aliud virtutts or not,whethervpon compa6Lor otlicrwife: for the Scripture ittpenditiolia inaketh mention of reward , where there are no precedent laboris teem- , neratio. workes,as Gen. t 5.r. Feare not Abram, , I amMine exceeding . great reward,that is,thy full content and happinefle. Pfal. 1 27. /0 3.Thefruit ofthe womoe ts a revard,that is, a bleffing, and a free gift orGod.In this fenfe(I grant)eternall life is a reward.Yet it I is noproper reward,butfo called by a catachrefis, which yetis. de I itias. notan intollerable catachrells (as Bellarm. either ignorantly or , .c.). malitioufly affirrneth)but carte and familiar; for in the phrafe i 5 of the Scriptureseternall life is called a reward,in a general] fig- nification,when it is vied abfolutely,and notrelatiuely,to figni- . fie theheck, or ende of any thing : and fo the HebreweWord which fignifieth a heele, fi,;nifieth alloa reward, becaufe it is gi- liekeb.rfal. ay 12. teen when the worke is ended: And eternal]. lifebath thisrefern-. a© acharith.Pro. : blancewith areward,in that it isgiuen atthe end ofa mans life, 23.03, after that his trauell and warfare is ended. Thus the Grecke words which fignifiea reward and anende,are vfed indifferent- ly one for the other. s. Pet. 1.9. T\eceiningthe endofionr faith, .' Ç r4 ' I hefalaation °flourjoule' ,that is, (as Beza hath fitly tranflated cols-ton. it ) the rewardofyourfaith:for totranflate it, the ende ofyour fa , ithcannot agree to the word receiiiino, for we menunot an ende,but areward.Thus reward fignifietli a free gift, or free re- muncration,as when themailer giueth his feruant fomething, forhis faithful! feruice(though done vpon dutie) when as he ovveth thim not thanks,much le& reward. Luk. i 7.9.9)0th he thank,e hat fernant,beraufe he didthat which was commanded vn- to him? I trowe not. Thus God giueth vs eternal! life,not be. .caufe he is bound in iuflice fo to doe, (for he oweth vs neither reward, nor thanks, for our labour,becaufe when we halmdone what we can , we bane bast done oardutie. v. 1 o.)but becaufe his goodneffe,andmerciful! promife made thereupon,doth excite him thereunto.And yet eternal! life is called a reward, becaufe it doth ascertainly followgood works,as though it were due. And,good workes are mentioned inthe prornife,becaufe they 25 30 35