theEpifle to theCalatiamt. Chap.6. 5.71 arctokcns that the wotka is in.Chrifl, for whoft merit, the protnife (hall be accomphfhed. And it is further called the rewardor fruit ofour faith , (as here the t uueft) becaufe i is,; the wayand meanes ofobtaintng it. I l, Eternali life is called a rewardofmood w ,. ozkes,not eau- ,`'°"`í`'!7` «?`" 3 e tsars. rally , as-procuredby them,but c6nfequently,as following them. tt«::tEasao For abeit it be giuenproperly for the merit ()CC appreltcn- cçut ded by faith:yet it is giuen confcquenty as arecompcnce ofour labours:as an inheritance is giuen to the heire,not for any duty to or feru.icc,but becaufe he is the heire:yct byconfequent it is gl- um in recompence ofhis obedience. He that f `rfakerfiaker © n,o :her Jl >all receiue a hundredfoldmore in tins 1;fe, anal:.: s world to' ;73e c- x.alllrf,,Matk, t o. z9 o. Reward doth niit,alway prefuppofe debt,but is omen, free,for whereas it isfaid,Math.5.46. lfyotrLuc them that /axe yoa,wbat rewardfhallye hate? It is thus in Lule.6. 34 , tt"hat :I jhallyehaue? by which we fee that reward doth not alvc.zy fìg- nifie due debt, but thankefull remembrance,:,nd gratious ac- ceptance. ' ' Ci;,..J .,4.Eternall'life is called the rewardefinheri. 4'717r4 oc4 ;í xTrr,Pew,- "tri,rce,whereby is fignified , that it is notgiuen,for our workes, «í, but becaufe weare the formesof God by adoption Bellarrnir e anfwers,t hat it may be both a ren,a,d,SCax Inkern,Ice:a rctr.ryd, becaufe it isgiuen to labourers vpon compact: an inkerira,rce, ti-y; becaufe it is given tonone,but thole that are cli;ldlren . But the word ageVIó (NO ts tranfláted rcrvard,Ggnificth a gift freely giuen without refpca of defert , it besing all one withJövr,asBafil teachethvpon the 7.pfaime. V. TheScripture teacheth that Godgiueth rewards route 3o waies.Firfl,he giueth reward ofdue debt, in refpeaofinetit: thus hegiueth eternall life, as a reward due not toour merits, but to the meritsofChrift : for none can merit at the hands of God,but he which is God. Secondly,hegines a reward,in re- fpcaofhis free and mercifull promife , and thus he rewards 3.1, onelybeleeuers.Thirdly,hegiueth rewards to hypoctites,infi- deis,heathen,&c.beeingnoitherbound by his owne promife, norby their merit,whé they performe the outward works of the lawe,and lead a cittill life conformable thereto,as whenA- hab humbledhimfelfe before the Lord, 7. Ding. z t.And this God Both to the end he may,preferue humane focietie,and c&